And Only Six Remained

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Kenny picked up the coat rack and hit the wall, causing it to break through even more. He smiled. "Yeah, we can do this," he nodded. "Okay, we'll work in shifts. Lee, Carlos, and I. Everybody else just get comfortable until we get through this thing. We have to work fast."

Everyone else obliged, taking a seat in different places near the center. Lilly was rummaging through a loose board on the floor, not taking notice of anything else.

Sarah sat down on the couch next to Omid, and looked at his leg curiously. "Does that still hurt?" she inquired.

He shook his head. "A little, but it's a lot better than it was since your dad gave me that medicine."

Sarah smiled. "That's good." There was a little bit of silence then, the only sound coming from the banging on the wall from Kenny trying to bust through. There was worry in the air, and it could easily be sensed. Everyone's thoughts were on Clementine, and if she was safe or not. Hopefully they would get to her in time before whoever had her could really hurt her or cause her harm.

"Do you think Clem is okay?" Sarah asked to no one in particular.

"God, I hope so," Lee sighed. He didn't want to think about the possibilities of that man even laying one finger on her. "Try not to worry, though."

Christa glanced over at Ben. "What about him?"

"We gotta support him," Lee answered. "He's only a kid still; it's easy to forget that."

"He lose his shit like that often?" Omid questioned.

"No, that was a first," Carlos spoke.

"It's good that he did; Kenny couldn't pull that shit on me," said Christa. At that, Sarah stood up and went to check on Ben, since they were talking about him.

"Kenny's been horrible to him," Lee told them, shaking his head. "And you saw Lilly..."

At her name, Lilly briefly glanced up, giving Lee a look, before continuing what she was doing. When she got to a box, she pulled out an unopened bottle of wine, causing her to look surprised. She gave a bitter smile and started trying to open it.

"Alright, I'm outta gas," Kenny announced, coming back over to the group. He looked over to Lee and Carlos, signaling for one of them to go.

Carlos stood up. "I'll go," he volunteered, heading over to the wall.

Kenny took a seat in his absence. "It shouldn't be long now," he commented before leaning and placing his head in his hands.

"How are you?" Christa asked.

Kenny sighed. "I'm...I don't know how to answer that," he said honestly.

"I'm sorry," Christa replied. "You've lost more than anyone."

"It'll be alright, Ken," Lee added.

"I appreciate it from both of you," Kenny spoke. "We've all lost families." His eyes glanced over at Ben, and the young man still looked quite sad even if Sarah was over there talking his ears off. She couldn't help it, though, she just wanted to see if she could make him feel better.

"Maybe you should take it easy on him from here out," Lee suggested, practically reading Kenny's mind.

"I'm angry as hell," Kenny said instantly.

"Not at him," Lee said.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"You heard him outside," Lee pointed out.

"I did." He nodded. "I never really thought about it like that."

Kenny turned and noticed that Lilly had managed to open the wine bottle, and was practically chugging it down her throat. He gave a low sigh. "You mind sharin' that?"

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