Investigations And Confessions

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Lee pushed the door open to see Lilly sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. When she realized Lee was in the room, she looked up. "I'm sorry," she managed to get out while Lee sat down in a chair across from her.

"You don't have to apologize," he replied simply.

"Did you come in here to give me hell, or to coddle me?" she asked.

"You said something about stolen supplies?" Lee reminded her. "I think I should know what's going on."

"Things are missing, and I could use your help," Lilly spoke. "There's a traitor, one of us, somebody out there. He or she or they have been taking things," she explained.

"For real? Who? What do you have to go on?" Lee asked, looking up at the other woman.

"Yes, for real," Lilly confirmed. "And I don't have shit. I just know."


"The count's off and it's the good stuff. Antibiotics, oxy, fuck, anything with opium in it."

"I see the count, and it's fine!" Lee disagreed.

"I keep my own," Lilly pointed out. "That one's getting messed with. I'm not stupid; I know what happens when I start a witch hunt."

"So you want me to start one," Lee concluded, frowning.

"I want you to poke around."

Lee shook his head, momentarily closing his eyes. He opened them and asked, "What's there to go on?"

Lilly reached underneath her bed and pulled out a broken yellow flashlight, handing it over to Lee. "I found this tossed into the garbage," she said. "We don't toss out equipment. We fix it. You'd only try to get rid of a flashlight if you were using it when you shouldn't."

"Okay, I'll poke around a little bit," Lee answered. If there was a broken flashlight, what else could there be that was tainted with?

Lee stood up and exited the room, closing the door behind him when he heard a new voice. "A mystery!"

He turned to see Duck standing up, looking a bit excited. He crossed his arms and frowned at the little boy. "Jesus, Duck."

"I'm sorry, I heard you guys talking," Duck replied.

"You need to un-hear all of that," Lee said, turning to walk away.

"Can I help?" Duck inquired, running to catch up with the older man.

Lee turned around, "What did I just say?"

"You're the greatest detective, and I can be Dick Grayson, your ward!" he exclaimed, excitedly. Lee just stared at the little boy in annoyance. "That's Robin..." Duck smiled.

"I know who it is," Lee replied. "But you can help, so don't tell anyone," he warned.

"Secrecy!" Duck said excitedly. "What do I do?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lee shrugged. "I don't know, go look around! Let me know if you find anything weird."

"I'm on the case," he said before running off.

Lee watched him run off, and put off talking to Carley for another few minutes. For now, he decided to ask around about the broken flashlight. He noticed Travis sitting near the stairs, keeping watch over Clementine and Sarah, who were coloring nearby, and decided to approach him.

"Hey, Travis," Lee greeted the raven-haired teenager.

Travis looked up. "Oh, hey Lee."

"Do you know anything about this?" Lee asked, holding out the flashlight for the boy to see.

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