More Grief

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Since the house was all clear, the group decided to rest in the living room of the house. "So when were you going to tell us about the radio?" Christa asked, once she had Omid laying on the couch so he could rest his leg.

"Tell you what?" Kenny asked.

"That it's working!" she exclaimed.

"We only found out yesterday," Lee tried to defend himself. Kenny and Christa were arguing on and on back and forth about the radio, and whoever was ringing the bells.

Meanwhile, Lilly had sent her dad to go lie down somewhere, and she knew that she would soon have to tell the group that he had gotten bitten. She really didn't want to, but she knew that it was a task that had to be done. She couldn't avoid it. She stood up and faced the whole group, even Clementine and Sarah, and spoke. "I have something to say."

Carlos looked up at her apologetically, as if telling her to go on.

"What is it?" Ben asked.

She took a deep breath. "My dad...he got bit."

"What?" Lee asked, shocked.

"When? When the hell did this happen?" Kenny demanded.

"Out in the street, when we were fighting off the walkers," Lilly replied. She pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. "One of them got Dad. And he refuses to get his arm amputated."

Although Lee and Larry had never gotten along, Lee couldn't help but feel some empathy for the woman. "I'm sorry, Lilly. I wish there was something else we could do."

Lilly nodded, and placed her hand down. Solemnly, she trudged out of the room.

"Well, this is just fucking great!" Kenny shouted, throwing his arms in the air in frustration.

Sarah walked over to her father and tugged on his shirt, "Dad, what's happening?" she asked, obviously very confused.

"Larry is very sick," Carlos told her, which was somewhat the truth.

"Is Lilly going to be okay?" Sarah questioned, genuinely concerned for the woman.

Carlos shook his head. "I don't think so, sweetie."


"Why don't you and Clem go play so the grown-ups can talk?" he suggested, and she ran off to go find Clementine. Carlos then stood up and went to go talk to Lee and Kenny who were discussing the situation. "You should let her take care of it," he said, causing the other two men to look at him.

"Do you think that would be best for her?" Lee asked. "I mean, I know she acts hard, but do you really think she could do this?"

"I don't think she'd want any of us to do it," Kenny added.

"Me either," Carlos agreed. "Let's just leave her alone."

Suddenly, Christa interrupted their conversation, "Carlos, can you come look at Omid's leg again?"

He obliged and walked over to check on the injured man. Lee and Kenny went back to talking about the radio, while Clem and Sarah played with Ben.

Lilly had found her father in one of the many rooms of the house. "How are you, Dad?" she asked, sympathetically. She was desperately trying to hold her emotions intact, but she knew it wouldn't be long before she wouldn't be able to do that anymore.

"It hurts like a bitch," Larry grunted, glancing at the bite on his shoulder. He let out some deep coughs that could be heard all over the house. Lilly, showing a rare display of fear, reached out and placed a hand on her dad's good shoulder to steady him.

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