The Train

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When Kenny stopped the RV, nearly everyone woke up. Sarah's eyes fluttered open; she had slept with her head on Lilly's lap, but the older woman didn't seem to mind. She sat up slowly and yawned, and walked over to Carlos.

"Daddy, what's going on?" she inquired.

"We have something in the way," Carlos answered. "But don't worry, honey. We'll figure something out."

Sarah nodded and followed Clementine out of the RV. Both of the girls stopped and turned when Katjaa and Duck exited from the front, an ever-so-weak Duck clutching to his mother. The girls looked at one another, and Sarah wondered what was wrong.

"Is there any way to get around it?" Ben asked.

"Doesn't look like it," Kenny replied. "On foot, maybe. Can't really afford to do that now."

"This seems like a pretty safe area," Lee pointed out. "Nothing will be able to creep through on us."

Kenny nodded. "Okay, everybody out of the RV then," he ordered, and watched as the remaining members of the group, Carley, Larry, Lilly, and Carlos, came out of the RV. The question still remained as to who stole the supplies, but it seemed to be forgotten at the moment with this new predicament.

"We should look around," Ben suggested.

Lee agreed. "Yeah, everyone else just relax. Clem, you stay close to Kenny and Kat, okay?" he said to the little girl. "You want to help us look around?" he asked, looking over at Carlos who was talking to Sarah.

He nodded. "Sure."

"If you guys come across something to drink, I think Duck's a bit dehydrated," Katjaa said.

Carlos looked over at the woman empathetically. "Would you like me to take a look at him?" he asked.

Katjaa shook her head. "I think he's fine for now, but thank you."

Larry glanced over at the little boy suspiciously, but kept his comments to himself.

"Sarah, stay here with the others while I go help Lee with the train," Carlos turned to his daughter, who nodded obediently and went to sit between Carley and Kenny.

Carlos decided to go near the front while Lee examined the boxcar. Luckily, there was nobody inside, but there was a mattress that looked to be recently used. Had somebody made camp here? Whoever they were, they were gone by now.

Lee found a water bottle that looked nearly full, and he made a note to give it to Katjaa so Duck could have something to drink. He just hoped that Larry wouldn't try anything again if he found out.

Since there was nothing else of importance in here, he decided to head to the front of the train. Meanwhile, there was only short chatter between the rest of the group when they noticed an older man in a yellow jacket approaching them.

"Howdy, folks," he greeted.

A few of them stood up, and Larry gave him his all-famous glare. "Who the fuck are you?"

Carley began reaching into her back pocket for her gun in case this man tried anything funny. Sarah glanced around for her dad and noticed him by the front, but his back was turned.

"Whoa now, relax," the man said, holding his hands up. "I ain't here to hurt y'all." He turned and noticed Clementine, Sarah, and Ben. "You want some candy?" He began reaching into his pocket.

Clementine looked cautiously to Kenny, as if to ask for permission, and he nodded saying it was okay. "Sure!" Clementine said, and she, Sarah, and Ben walked over to the man to get the candy from him. "Wait," Clementine paused, "What about Duck?" She looked over at Katjaa who was clutching the boy in her lap.

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