Jolene and the Camp

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Everyone then went their separate ways once the group finished their conversation. Lee decided that he didn't want to go to the bandit camp just yet, so he walked over to check on Clementine, and Carlos followed behind him, deciding that he should check on Sarah too. Duck was currently on the swing, with Kenny pushing him, and Sarah and Clem were patiently waiting their turn.

Clementine's eyes lit up once she saw Lee walking over to her. "Hey Lee, can you push me on the swing?" she asked.

Lee nodded. "Sure, sweet pea." He then looked over at Kenny. "Mind if Clementine takes a turn?"

"Alright Duck, let Clem have a turn," Kenny said and Duck jumped off the swing. Carlos then watched as Clementine climbed onto the swing and Lee began to push her. He then walked over and sat down on a rock beside his daughter.

"Looks pretty fun, huh?" Carlos said to Sarah.

She nodded. "Can you push me next, Daddy?" she asked.

"Of course, sweetie. We just have to wait until Clementine gets done," he answered.

"Okay," she nodded, and scooted closer to her dad. "Do you like it here?" Sarah then asked, looking up at her father with her dark eyes.

Carlos nodded. "Don't you?"

"I love it here," she answered. "It makes me think of before."

"Me too," Carlos said.

Lee was having a similar conversation with Clementine as he pushed her on the swing, and so far it seemed that the whole group was enjoying the dairy. Sarah played with the zipper on her green jacket as she patiently waited her turn.

"Alright, Clementine, I think that's enough for now," Lee finally said, stopping the swing.

"Okay, Lee. Thanks for pushing me!" Clementine exclaimed as she hopped off.

"Of course," Lee replied. He turned to Carlos and Sarah. "It's all yours."

Sarah beamed and hopped off of the tree stump. "Come on, Dad!" she nearly yelled, taking Carlos' hand and leading him over to the swing. Carlos couldn't help but smile; he hoped that his daughter never had to lose her innocence.

Sarah sat on the swing and eagerly waited for Carlos to begin pushing her. Albeit she was thirteen and probably a little too old now for the swing, she was still excited about it.

He pushed, relatively slow at first, and the continued to get faster. "Higher, Dad, higher!" Sarah nearly squealed, and Carlos obliged to her requests, pushing her as high as the swing would take her. He could tell she was enjoying herself by the way she was laughing, and in that moment, Carlos was glad that Lee rebuilt the swing for the kids. At least they had something to do to pass time now.

As he was pushing his daughter, Carlos watched as Lee walked around to talk to each individual member of the group. He was probably making sure that everyone was okay with the dairy and the living accommodations now. Once Lee was done, he made his way back over to Carlos and Kenny.

"I think I'm gonna go check out that bandit camp now," Lee said. "Could you guys keep an eye on Clementine while I'm gone?" he asked Carlos and Kenny.

Kenny nodded. "Of course, Lee. I'll always have your back."

"Thanks," Lee said. "I'll be right back, Clem, okay?" he said to her.

"Please be lucky," Clementine replied.

"I will," Lee said with a nod and headed out of the dairy with Andy and Danny.

The three of them headed out of the dairy with rifles in hand, Lee wondering what was so important that they had to go scope out the bandit camp. Oh well, it probably wasn't for anything major.

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