The New Group

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Everyone that wasn't entangled in the bear trap froze stiff, Sarah gripping Carlos's shirt in fear. Travis looked around with an expression of fear on his face. "Oh no..." he nearly panicked. Immediately, he bent down and attempted to free Mr. Parker from the bear trap.

"How are you gonna unlatch that?" Ben questioned, looking around as the walkers began to show themselves.

"Ben, shut up!" Travis chastised. "My dad was Special Forces, I know what I'm doing!"

"Oh God, please! Get me out of here!" David begged.

Carlos then heard running footsteps, and saw two men, one with dark skin and a leather jacket and another with glasses, bolting towards them with weapons in hand. Sarah gasped and gripped her father's shirt tighter and stared at them with eyes the size of saucers. They didn't look like the bandits who had raided their camp, but what if they tried to hurt them?

"Jesus Christ..." the man with glasses spoke as the two strangers watched the situation. That's when Travis and Ben turned their attention to the new people, and finally noticed they were standing there watching.

"Please don't kill us!" Travis begged, "We're just trying to help our teacher."

Sarah stood, still clutching her father's shirt, whimpering in fear at the situation. And that's when she saw another man running up; he had a mustache, and was wearing a hat. "Lee! Are you guys okay?" the new stranger said.

"Dad, what's going to happen?" Sarah whispered as she hid behind her father.

"Just stay quiet, honey," he replied back.

"Just get this fucking thing off me!" David yelled loudly, clutching his leg in pain. The walkers were getting closer, and everyone knew they didn't have much time.

"Travis, maybe they can help!" Ben suggested, trying to stay positive.

"These might be the same guys that raided our camp and...we barely got away from that!" Travis argued.

"Why the fuck is there a bear trap out here?!" the mustached man inquired.

"We don't know!" Carlos exclaimed, his arm around his shaking daughter protectively.

"Lee, we have to help!" the man in the glasses turned to his friend.

The walkers were beginning to appear more noticeably now, and Sarah's breathing began to pick up. Carlos desperately hoped that she wouldn't go into one of her anxiety attacks out here. The raven-haired teenager couldn't keep her eyes off of these new people.

"Please, try to get him out of there!" Ben nearly yelled. "I swear, we'll never bother you again!"

"Lee, this is fucked up, we've gotta help him," the man with the glasses said.

"Was he bitten?" the man, Lee, spoke.

"No!" Ben answered immediately. "Just please, get him out of there, and then you can leave us or whatever..."

"Okay," Lee said. "Let's get him out of there."

"You have to hurry," the man with the mustache said. The man with the glasses then bent down to look at the trap. A confused look rested on his face as he looked back up at Lee.

"The trap's been altered, there's no release latch..."

The growling of the nearby walkers was beginning to get louder, and Sarah squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Carlos used to tell her that there was no such thing as monsters, but now he was definitely wrong on that aspect.

"Shit! Walkers! It's now or never, Lee!" the mustached man shouted.

"Oh God, please..." David trailed off.

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