Supply Run Gone Wrong

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A few more days passed and tensions were beginning to rise. Lilly was beginning to grow suspicious of not only Ben, but Carley too. Were they both planning something? She didn't know for sure, but the list of people she trusted was growing smaller, little by little.

"THAT'S RIGHT, FUCKER, NOW STAY OUT!" her dad's voice cut off her thoughts. Lilly looked up and remembered that Larry was currently on watch, something he didn't normally do as he was the one to work on the wall.

"What happened, Dad?" Lilly asked cautiously, slowly approaching the RV.

"Some asshole was trying to sneak into the motel," Larry explained, his familiar frown crossing his features. He lowered the rifle he was holding. "Didn't try anything, luckily. That coward ran away when I pointed the gun at him."

Lilly nodded once. This was the most eventful thing to happen in a few days, other than that things were extremely quiet.

"Hey Dad, why don't you take a break and let someone else keep watch for a little while," she began to coax. After everything that happened at the dairy farm, she wanted her father to take it easy. She didn't want to risk losing him again.

Larry scoffed, "I'm fine, okay? A few punks hiding out in the woods isn't going to give me a damn heart attack. Quit worrying so much, Lilly," he chided. Damn, he could be stubborn as hell at times; now Lilly knew where she got it from.

"Dad, you almost died a few days ago. Remember?" she retorted.

"I'm here now though, ain't I?" he asked. "That's gotta count for something."

Lilly sighed and stared at the ground, knowing that Larry wouldn't come down so willingly. "Fine, just...try to stay calm. Please," she nearly begged. Larry ignored her, so that was her cue to walk away to check on the supplies. She knew that someone would have to go on a run very soon.

Meanwhile, Lee had exited his motel room and decided to check on Clementine, where she was kicking around a soccer ball with Sarah. The two girls appeared to be having fun. He made his way towards the nine-year-old.

"Are you okay, Clementine?" he inquired.

"I'm okay," Clem responded, kicking the ball back over to Sarah. She appeared to have something on her mind. "Lee?"


"I still feel bad about the things we took from that car," the little girl explained. "We'll have our own supplies again soon...right?"

Lee couldn't exactly guarantee what Clementine had wanted, as most places in Macon had been picked clean by this point. But he knelt down to her level and replied, "I'm sure we'll have something soon, sweet pea. I don't feel right about everyone taking from that car, either, but it's too late now. We won't stay short-lived forever, okay?"

Clementine smiled, seemingly satisfied with his answer. "Okay."

As if reading his mind, Carlos came up and approached Lee. "The supplies are getting low, and I'm afraid that we won't have enough food to keep everyone satisfied. Kenny just told me the stuff that they found in the car wouldn't last long anyway, but that still leaves me, you, Clem, and Sarah without food," he pointed out.

"Clem and I were just talking about that," Lee said. "So you think we should go on a supply run?" he asked.

Carlos nodded. "That seems like our best option."

"Okay," Lee agreed. "Let's get a small group and see what we can find." After that conversation, Carlos went to inform Lilly that he, Lee, Mark, and Kenny were going on a quick supply run to see what they could find. After all, they wanted to get to it first before any other survivors stumbled upon it.

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