Dangerous Escape

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Once Lee made sure everyone was safe and sound at the classroom, he decided to go help Carlos with the medicine since he had nothing else to do. Molly still hadn't returned, and this annoyed him slightly. When he walked to the nurse's station again, he noticed that Carlos wasn't standing in front of the door. Hopefully that meant that he got the door open.

Lee walked into the office, and made sure the door was shut securely behind him. After all, they didn't want any walkers sneaking in on them. "Find anything?" he asked as he saw Carlos rooting around in one of the many drawers in the office.

Carlos stood up and looked at Lee. "I've searched most of the drawers, but I think the stuff we actually need might be locked away in that cabinet." He pointed to it over in the corner. "And I can't get it open," he added.

"There's gotta be some way we can decipher the combination," Lee pointed out.

"We should look around," Carlos answered. "Maybe there's something in here that can still be useful."

"Yeah, you're right," Lee agreed. For a couple of minutes, they looked around with no such luck, until Lee came across a file folder, and opened it up. Inside was the file report of a girl named Anna Correa, along with a video tape.

He turned around and noticed a video camera by the bed, and wondered if it still worked.

"Maybe this can answer what we need to find," Lee said to himself. He picked up the tape and placed it into the camera. "Carlos, come look at this."

Carlos obliged and came to look at the camera with Lee. The video began playing, and showed a blonde woman, who they assumed was Anna, sitting on the bed in the nurse's station. "This is day 82 since the outbreak..." a man's voice spoke off camera. "This is Doctor Logan with patient Anna Correa." The doctor finally walked in view of the camera and Lee swore that the man looked familiar.

"Why are you recording this?" Anna asked.

"Regulations," the doctor replied, "Oberson has ordered me to keep records of all medical examinations and consultations," he continued. "And I need you to brace yourself Anna, the sonogram has confirmed that you are pregnant."

"The sonogram was on the floor..." Carlos mumbled to Lee as the continued to watch the tape.

Anna put her head in her hands, "Oh God, oh God, oh God..."

"As you know, the rules are very clear," Doctor Logan informed her. "The termination is mandatory."

"You don't have to tell them," Anna begged. "Tell them it was just nausea, and that you gave me something for it, and it went away. This is my problem, not yours!"

"If Oberson finds out that I concealed evidence of a pregnancy...I'm sorry, but these are the rules." Doctor Logan walked over to the medicine safe. "I'm going to give you a sedative. It'll make the procedure easier on you."

"I don't want the procedure! I want my baby!" Anna yelled, beginning to cry. "I can't do this! I can't do this!"

"Anna, you don't have a choice. Now if you like you can take some time with this, but I need you to come back no later than tomorrow. Or I'll have no choice but to tell Oberson myself. I'm sorry."

Angrily, Anna stood up from the bed and ran out of the nurse's station, slamming the door behind her.

"Damn it, we almost had it," Carlos grumbled. "What the hell kind of place was this?"

"Like Molly said," Lee answered, "the worst kind. And I think I recognize that doctor; he was one of the walkers in the alley."

"Maybe you should search him, perhaps he has another tape."

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