Inside The Meat Locker

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A few people yelled out when Lee fell unconscious, but were immediately silenced when Andy loaded his gun again. He turned to Kenny and Larry, his eyes down to narrowed slits. "You two, carry him. The rest of y'all, follow me."

The group had no choice but to obey his orders, and stood up from their chairs. Brenda grabbed David, who was either unconscious or officially dead, and began to drag him none-too-gently back upstairs. Andy and Danny led the group outside, where it had begun pouring rain, with their weapons aimed.

"Dad, I'm scared," Sarah whispered, squeezing Carlos' hand tightly. She was shaking like a leaf.

Carlos wished he could say something to comfort her, but he didn't know what words would do to him. The group was walking towards the barn now, and when they arrived at the door, Andrew held up his hand to stop the group.

"Danny, take the vet and the boy back in the house, we may need them for awhile," he instructed. The younger brother nodded and poked Katjaa quite hard with his rifle, starting to lead her away. But Andy stopped him, and said the words Carlos was dreading to hear: "You might want to take the girl, too."

Sarah froze in position, as Danny grabbed her roughly by the wrist, causing her to let out a scream. "D-Dad! DAAAAAD!" she wailed, trying to reach for him.

"Sarah!" Carlos called, attempting to step forward, but Andy aimed the gun at him.

The poor girl was helpless as she was practically dragged back into the house along with Katjaa and Duck. Kenny was heard yelling out angrily, demanding that they bring his family back. Sarah had never felt more terrified in her life. She heard some exchange of words between Danny and Brenda, and the next thing she knew, she found herself in a dark room, the door locking behind her.

"You better not touch my daughter," Carlos spat.

Andy laughed, "Yeah yeah, whatever. Keep walking." He pointed his gun directly at Carlos, so the Hispanic man had no other choice than to follow the rest of the group into the barn. They watched as Andy approached the door, and began fiddling with the lock to get the door open once again. "In," he ordered, and the group obliged and walked into the room that was locked off.

"Where the hell are you taking us?" Larry demanded to know.

"You'll find out soon enough," Andy replied grimly, and soon the group knew as the older brother led them into a deep freezer.

"What the fuck?" Lilly questioned. "You're locking us in a freezer!?"

Andy laughed. "Gotta keep the meat fresh."

"You sick fuck!" Kenny yelled. "Bring me back my fucking family!" But it was too late, he had already shut and locked the freezer, and the remaining group of survivors were now stuck in there, with no way out.

"Jesus Christ," Lilly growled. She stumbled over to the corner and immediately began to puke what she had eaten of David. Travis placed his hands to his head and sat on some of the nearby salt licks, while Larry and Kenny placed Lee on the floor, Larry practically dropping him.

As worried as he was for his daughter, Carlos realized that he better check on Lee, who was still unconscious.

"I'll look for a way out," Mark offered.


"Will you stop that banging? We gotta find a way out of here!" Kenny yelled.

There was quite the string of events going on in that meat locker. Larry was pounding the door and screaming obscenities, Lilly was vomiting, Mark and Kenny were searching for a way out, and Carlos was examining Lee with Clementine close by. Luckily, Lee's eyes were starting to flutter open, and he sat up.

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