Back On The Road

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Once all the walkers were taken care of, Lee put his weapon aside and panted. "Man...that was close."

"That didn't go so good," Clementine commented.

"No, that did NOT go so good," Lee agreed. "But it's okay. We're okay. What did we learn?"

"I'm not ready for a gun," Clementine replied sadly.

"We learned not to be afraid," Lee corrected her. "They should have got us, but we got them. Your quick thinking saved us both, Clem. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm a little shaky," the little girl answered.

"What's going on? I thought I heard a gun!" Christa said, running into the station, alarmed.

"We're fine!" Lee replied. "We found some walkers..." he added as Christa looked around the room.

"You, and an eight-year-old versus three of them, huh?" she questioned.

"We handled it," Lee said simply.

"Clearly," Christa replied. "I'm gonna go make sure the noise didn't cause us any problems," she said, turning around.

"That's a good idea!" Clem jumped in.

Christa then walked to the door, but stopped, and turned back around to glare at Lee, "I hope you know what you're doing with her," she stated, with bitterness in her voice.

"We're still alive, aren't we?" Lee asked, shrugging slightly. He could see Christa roll her eyes, before not saying anything, and walking out the door. What was her problem? Lee thought he was doing a great job with Clementine.

Lee looked around the small area before he and Clementine made their way back to the others as well. He approached Omid, who was having a lighthearted conversation with Sarah. The young teen seemed to like him quite a lot.

"I found a blowtorch in the station," Lee announced. "Should make quick work of the coupling up there."

"Excellent!" Omid praised. "I'll come up there with you to have a look." At that moment, he climbed up the ladder with Lee following close behind.

"You think this will work?" Lee asked.

"Dude, you're cutting metal with fire! How could it not?" Omid replied almost nonchalantly.

Lee walked over to where the tanker was stuck, and got the blowtorch ready. He turned it on, and nothing was coming out but hot air. He realized that there was a leak in the hose. "Shit."

"What's up?" Omid inquired.

"The hose has a leak in it."

"T-Turn it off, dude. I don't want my eyebrows burned off. You better plug that leak with something."

Lee looked around and saw a truck nearby, luckily when he searched it, there was some tape inside of it. That should work to plug the hole, right? He then wrapped the tape around the hose, "Hope this holds..." he mumbled mostly to himself, then turned the blowtorch back on. He was glad that it worked, and began to cut the metal.

"That is crazy! Look at it go!" Omid watched in amazement.

"Just about got it," Lee replied. And suddenly, the truck behind him was inching forward, and if it wasn't for Omid running and pulling Lee backwards, he would have gotten hit and slung off the bridge. "Whoa, thanks, man," Lee said.

"No sweat," Omid replied.

Lee stood back up and observed the tanker again. "This thing is hanging by a thread, one more cut and it'll go."

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