The School Of The Undead

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The group went their separate ways, leaving Ben in the classroom to try and get the armory door open. Lee decided that it would be best to get his task done without keeping Molly waiting. He took one final look at Ben before exiting the classroom.

He rounded the corner, where Molly was waiting by the end. "The alleyway's down this way. You coming or not?" she asked almost impatiently, then bolted off.

While following Molly's direction, Lee took a good look at the debris all over the hallway. It seemed like Crawford wasn't as safe as everyone said. He found the door to the alleyway and walked outside.

"Molly, you out here?" Lee called quietly.

But there was nothing, although he could have sworn he heard something coming from behind. He walked into a small shed, climbed the shelf, and jumped over the fence to the other side, athletically landing on his feet. Now, he was at the auto shop.

He walked over to the garage door, trying to pull it open, but it was to no avail because the door was jammed shut. Now he'd have to find another way to get into the garage. And Molly was still out of sight. Where the hell could she have gone? Suddenly, as if to answer his thoughts, a walker body fell right in front of him from above.

"Leave him!" It was Molly's voice that he heard, and soon she appeared, jumping down from a rooftop. "He's mine," she added, pulling out her ice pick.

"Where the hell have you been?" Lee asked as she walked right passed him and over to the walker's body. Molly ignored his question though, and Lee was shocked as she began to kick the walker's body furiously. Why she was doing it, Lee didn't have an answer. "Molly..." he trailed off, still watching her beat the walker's body to a pulp.

"MOLLY!" Lee eventually scolded.

"What?" the younger woman questioned fiercely.

"I think you got him."

She paused. "One more." At that, she slammed the ice pick into the walker's body one final time. Then, she and Lee observed the body.

"He's wearing scrubs. Some kind of scientist, or a doctor, maybe?" Lee pointed out.

"Yeah, well, he ain't shit now!" Molly exclaimed, kicking the walker again. She placed her hands on her knees and panted. "Did you find us a way in?"

"Yeah, but the garage door's jammed," Lee replied as he unsuccessfully tried to open it again.

"Not a problem," she replied. "Look what I found," she added as she pulled out a lift to help open up the door. She was about to hand it to Lee, when the two heard walkers approaching. As Lee grabbed the lift, he saw them, and he knew if they didn't get inside the garage fast, the walkers would get to them.

Quickly, they used the lift to get the door open slightly, and they crawled underneath, getting inside the garage before the walkers could make it to them. Lee just hoped that there would be a battery in there somewhere.

"Take a look around," Molly said. "I'll make sure no stragglers get underneath this door."

Lee obliged to her request, and began looking around at the garage. There was a semi truck, but when he opened the hood, he saw that that particular vehicle didn't have a battery. The only other option was a car, and it was risen off the ground on some kind of platform.

The first thing he noticed was that the car had a blinking light, and he wondered if there was any way to get up there.

Nearby, there were the controls to the lift hydraulics, which was hopefully the key to getting that car down. Lee tried to pry the hose apart, but there was nothing he could do with just his hands. Looking over at Molly, he got an idea.

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