It All Ends Here

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So, this is the last chapter of this fanfic. An announcement will be down at the bottom. :)


For a few moments, Lee, Clementine, Christa, and Omid looked around at the abundance of walkers hanging around the Marsh House. They just hoped that this plan would work, and that they would find the other half of their group safely.

"You guys go first," Christa whispered. "Omid and I will be right behind you."

Lee nodded and wrapped his arm around Clementine, getting caught in the clustered horde. Clem seemed to be a little afraid, but she was managing. Omid and Christa walked a few paces behind them, but not too closely. So far, so good.

They were halfway out of the horde when Clementine stopped dead in her tracks, turning to her right with a look of horror on her face. Lee turned to see what she was looking at, and what was probably the most awful moments of Clementine's life suddenly occurred.

The undead version of her mother turned around, her body still rotting. A rather noticeable bite mark was on her arm. Her father appeared next, and he looked worse; he was partially devoured, according to the large wound on his stomach.

Clementine looked on, trying desperately not to cry.

Lee was horrified as well, and looked down at who was now his little girl. "Clem, don't look. It's gonna be okay, sweet pea."

"My...parents..." she was barely able to get out.

"I know, Clem," Lee murmured. "But we have to keep moving," he explained gently, and urged her on with the arm that was wrapped around her. They continued to walk through the crowd of walkers, careful, taking each step with extra caution, until they were almost near the end of the street. Lee was surprised that this plan had actually worked, and he wondered if Carlos, Lilly, and Sarah had made it to the outskirts of town yet, or if something happened to them as well.

"Now what?" Christa asked once they neared the edge of the walkers.

"We need to regroup," Lee replied simply. "Carlos should be waiting with Lilly and Sarah."

"And if he's not?" Christa inquired.

Lee turned to look at her. "Then we do what you said before, get the hell out of the city."

"Sounds good," she nodded. "Let's get moving."

Clementine held onto Lee's hand tightly, trying to stop the tears from falling until they were someplace safe. They soon found themselves in an area where no walkers were present, and the little girl couldn't take it anymore. She began to sob quietly to herself.

The others stopped walking, and Lee knelt down to Clem's level, feeling all ounces of sympathy. Clementine threw her arms around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder, not caring about what they were all covered in.

Lee hugged her back and spoke soothing words to hopefully calm her down. "I know, honey, I know. Shh, it's okay, it's going to be fine." He rubbed small circles into her back as she wept.

Omid and Christa looked at one another sadly. They had all lost someone, but Clementine was just a little girl.

Clementine broke the embrace and looked up at Lee, the tears still streaming down her face. "I'm s-sorry, Lee. I-I want to leave."

"Clem, you have nothing to be sorry for," Lee said soothingly. "Nothing is your fault, okay? Everything's going to be alright." At that, he stood up again, and Clementine slipped her tiny hand back into Lee's larger one.

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