Luck Changes

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Vernon was able to help Lee find his way out of the sewers; there was an exit right before you reached the mansion. The two men stopped in front of the gate.

"Well, this is where we are," Lee said. "I should know if Clementine made it back safe."

"I should get back to my people, too," Vernon answered.

Lee nodded. "Thanks again for helping me," he stated gratefully. "You stay safe."

"You too," Vernon replied with a light smile. "I'll be going now." And with that, he turned and left, never to be seen again.

Lee opened the door to the kitchen, and all seemed quiet. "Clementine? Clem?"

He heard a noise, and turned to his left. Molly was searching through the kitchen cabinets and drawers, which kind of seemed suspicious. "Molly?"

"Oh, hey," she turned around to look at him. "You made it back."

"Where's Clementine?" Lee asked, looking around and still seeing no sight of her.

"She's in the living room with the others," Carlos answered as he walked into the kitchen to greet Lee. "I'm glad you made it back safely."

Molly interrupted once more, "I think you have something that belongs to me," she said, stepping closer to Lee. The man handed her back the ice pick without a word. He just wanted to go see Clementine, and check up on the rest of the group.

Lee turned to look at Carlos. "How is everyone else?" he asked, knowing the group was in bad shape before he and Kenny left to go look for boats.

"Ben and the girls are fine, but Lilly and Kenny are obviously not doing so good," Carlos answered. "And Omid will only get worse without medical supplies. Until we find some, there's nothing I can do."

"Damn," Lee said, crossing his arms. He was silent for a moment. "I'd better go check on Clem."

He left the kitchen and went into the living room, where Clementine, Sarah, and Ben had moved their board game and were now playing on the floor. Kenny, however, was on the couch, still drinking that wine bottle. Omid, Christa, and Lilly were presumably still upstairs.

Clementine's eyes lit up at the return of her guardian. "Lee!" she cried, running over to hug him.

"Hey, sweet pea," Lee answered, returning the hug. When they let go, he turned to Kenny. "Where did you get that bottle?"

"Oh, hey. You made it back," Kenny said, already intoxicated enough to dodge the question. "Good job, good job."

"I asked you a question," Lee scolded. "Where the hell did you get that bottle?"

"Found it," Kenny responded in an almost sing-song voice.

"Getting wasted in front of the girls is not going to help anything."

"To hell with you!" Kenny yelled, standing up and barely being able to keep his balance.

"Look, Kenny, this isn't going to help anyone," Lee tried to reason, and attempted to take the bottle from Kenny's hand.

Kenny jerked away. "Oh yeah? Well, what is? We are fucked!" he yelled, sitting back down on the couch that he had just stood up from. "Molly said there's not a single boat left in Savannah. No way out. We got walkers all around us, that crazy fuck on the radio messing with us. Hell, if now ain't the time to drink..." He sipped the bottle once more, then offered it to Ben.

Lee shot Ben a glare, as if telling him not to take the bottle. And he was about to walk upstairs, until another question caught his mind, "Ben, how did Clementine sneak out of the house?"

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