Fight And Escape

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Lee crouched down and decided to sneak his way over to the house, the rain still pouring down on him. He walked slowly, making sure to be careful. Something had to be going on in there, and Lee could tell when Katjaa began yelling.

"No, please God, NO!" she shouted.

"Just shut up and he'll be fine!" Brenda chided.

There was a pause, and then Lee could hear Andy's voice. "Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around back."

"No, please, don't take my boy!" Katjaa begged.

"Let go, woman."

"L-Let me...let me out! Let me out!" Sarah was heard next as she let out gasps of breath, and a loud knocking noise followed. "Let me go...I...I want...I need my-"

"Settle down, I don't wanna hurt y'all!" Brenda yelled at the two females. By now, Lee was almost to the porch of the house, and finally, Brenda's somewhat large frame could be seen. "Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there?"

Lee didn't hesitate with his answer. "I left Danny in the barn. He got what he deserved!"

"Oh God..." Brenda muttered, walking away from the screen door. "Come here!"

"Let me go!" Katjaa yelled.

Lee stood up and walked to the door, and he noticed that Brenda was holding Katjaa hostage by the stairs. There was a chair propped up by the door to the right of them, and Sarah could be heard pounding on the door. She was crying softly and whimpering pleas to be let out.

"Lee!" Katjaa cried.

"Get back! Don't come in here!" Brenda ordered. "You just HAD to go snooping around, didn't you?!"

"Let her go, Brenda!" Lee said as he slowly moved to open up the screen door. He made his way inside, and stopped abruptly once he saw that Katjaa was held at gunpoint.

"Lee, please, don't you take another step!" Brenda warned, backing up just a bit.

"Brenda, come on, you know you don't wanna do this," Lee tried to persuade, taking a few more baby steps to get closer to Brenda.

"Just go away and leave us be!" Brenda yelled. He took this time to walk a few more extra steps, until Brenda pointed the gun at him. "Stop right there, I mean it!" she warned, backing up the stairs while holding on to Katjaa.

"Think about your husband, Brenda," Lee said. "He wouldn't have wanted the dairy to turn out like this!"

"I'll kill her, Lee!"

"Don't do this..." Katjaa barely managed to get out. Lee then took a few more steps forward, and that's when the lightning flashed and he noticed David at the top of the stairs. He had turned into a walker, and from that moment, Lee knew what he had to do. He kept making Brenda back up the stairs, until finally David was able to grab her, and Katjaa was freed. However, Brenda was bitten.

"Katjaa?" Lee asked. "Are you okay?"

"They took Duck! Where's Kenny?" she asked frantically.

As if to answer her question, they heard Andy yell from outside, "I said don't you move, asshole!"

"Don't you fucking hurt him!" Kenny yelled back.

"Oh my God!" Katjaa screamed and ran outside. Before Lee left though, he turned to the door that had the chair in front of it, and moved it so Sarah could be freed.

Once the door was unlocked, the door was opened and Sarah nearly stumbled out, shaking and looking around. She wanted her dad; where was he? She looked over at Lee as if to silently ask, and he beckoned her out of the house.

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