The Farm Boys

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Sarah was patiently waiting for Duck to finish using the blue crayon when she saw Carlos approaching her again, and she held up her paper for him to see. "Dad, look!"

"That's very nice, Sarah," Carlos praised. "Is that Pepper?"

"Yup!" Sarah chirped. "I'm waiting for Duck to get done so I can color her eyes."

"Sarah was just telling me how she got her," the woman in the chair spoke up. "She really hid cats in her room?"

Carlos couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yes, Sarah found stray cats around the neighborhood and wanted to take care of them, so she hid them in her room. It didn't last very long." Here he chuckled. "I got her the gray kitten for her birthday, and that's when she stopped."

The woman smiled. "Nice story. Your name's Carlos, right? I'm Carley."

"Nice to meet you, Carley," Carlos replied. "Lilly told me to go and introduce myself to everybody. I'm a doctor, so if you need anything, just let me know," he explained.

"A doctor, huh?" Carley asked. "It'll be nice to have you around then. Katjaa's a vet, so she does what she can."

"Dad, I'm really hungry," Sarah said, interrupting their conversation.

"I know, sweetie," Carlos responded. He wished that there was something he could do. It would seem pretty rude of him to approach Lee and ask him to give his daughter food that didn't belong to them.

Just then, Travis walked over to them. "Hey, Carlos? Mr. Parker just woke up. That woman's checking him over."

"Will he be okay?" Ben inquired from his spot next to Sarah.

Travis shrugged. "I think so."

Carlos figured it would be best to go check on David himself, since he was the doctor and all. He told Sarah that he'd be right back, and he headed over to the truck once again. David was partially sitting up, looking around confused.

"How're you feeling, David?" Carlos asked as he checked the bandages. All the bleeding seemed to stop, so that was one good thing. "Are you in pain?" Carlos asked again.

David nodded. "My leg is burning," he answered.

Carlos looked over to Katjaa. "Do you guys have pain meds?"

"Only a little," Katjaa admitted. "We may have enough for him, though."

She disappeared into the motel room again, this time coming out with a brown paper bag. She pulled out a prescription bottle and opened it, taking out a pill and handing it to David, who put it in his mouth.

"Thank you," David stated gratefully. He glanced around. "Oh, uh, I suppose you can tell that to Lee, too."

Carlos was confused for a moment, until he remembered that Lee was the one who had cut off David's leg in the first place. But at least it had saved David, so that was something to be grateful for. He figured that he should probably introduce himself to Lee, and then that was everybody.

He made sure that David was okay first, and asked Katjaa to keep an eye on him while he went to go thank Lee properly. He found the man talking to Kenny, and approached them both hesitantly. "Lee?" Carlos asked, and the man turned to look at him.

"Yeah?" he asked in reply.

"I never really got to properly introduce myself. My name's Carlos, and over there's my daughter Sarah," Carlos said, pointing over to his little girl who was now engaged in a conversation with Clementine.

"I'm Lee," Lee said, extending his hand for Carlos to shake it.

"I just wanted to say thank you for getting us out of those woods," Carlos continued after he shook Lee's hand. "We are lucky you three showed up when you did. I appreciate it, and Sarah does too."

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