Bandit Raid

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A few days later, Carlos and Sarah had still been staying with David and his students. Things were particularly well, and Carlos was grateful that David was being so nice to he and Sarah. The only problem was that food was starting to run low. And that would always be a problem now, since it was the so called zombie apocalypse.

Travis and Ben suggested that they should go out and look for more food, but Mr. Parker disagreed, saying it was too dangerous to go out in the woods; especially with bandits and walkers lurking around.

"You may not come back, going out in these circumstances," he would tell them.

During this time, Sarah had taken a liking to Ben. She had always had a little trouble making friends, so when she did make them, it made her feel happy. Carlos would often find the two of them talking it up with one another. Like this morning, for instance.

Carlos was beginning to agree with the boys on finding food, since Sarah seemed to be getting thinner by the day. He was about to approach David on the matter when he heard a loud voice, and was horrified to see an arrow flying by Travis's head.

"Shit!" Travis cursed.

"Are those the same bandits?" David asked as the group ducked down to take cover. "We've got to get out of here!"

"Dad, I'm scared!" Sarah whined. Carlos was unsure of what to do in a situation like this, because well, he'd never had to deal with one before. He was about to ask David what to do, when another arrow went whizzing by them. How in the world were they going to get out of here without being seen by the bandits?

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, we are so screwed," Ben muttered.

"Ben, shut up!" Travis whispered loudly.

"I see you over there!" one bandit yelled, flinging another arrow towards Carlos. Luckily, the doctor ducked before it could hit him. Sarah's breathing started to pick up.

Mr. Parker frantically began to search for an opening to escape with all of them getting out alive. "We may need to ready our weapons," he warned the group.

"Is that the only way?" Carlos hissed to David. He didn't want a bloodbath in front of his daughter. She was still all too sensitive to such things like that.

David turned to look at Carlos. "If we have to, we have to. Okay?"

Carlos nodded in return; if it was the only way out of here, then he would have to do it. He'd have to protect his daughter, and his other fellow group members. More arrows whizzed by, pulling the Hispanic man out of his thoughts. "We have to do something now," Carlos whispered.

"I'm thinking..." David replied.

"Dad!" Sarah whispered, but it came out more like a squeak.

"Stay down, sweetie," Carlos told her. He quickly turned his attention to David. "What are you thinking?"

David ducked down, with the arrow surprisingly ending up hitting another one of the bandits in the head. There were at least five or six of them left now. The teacher searched around, and saw an opening near the front. "If we can sneak without being seen, maybe we can get to that area."

Carlos nodded. "Do you think that will work?"

"It has to work," Ben said, "or we'll be stuck here."

"Okay," David replied. "We wait for a good moment, and then we go. Travis, have your gun ready, just in case," the teacher ordered as he looked around at the group.

"Got it," Travis nodded.

"Sarah, you stay behind me," Carlos ordered, and she nodded frantically.

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