Rising Tension

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The group quickly walked down the stairs for a way to escape. The sun was beginning to rise, so they didn't have trouble seeing. But when Lee opened up the bottom door, some more walkers were meandering on the other side. They looked up and growled hungrily.

"Fuck!" Kenny cried as Lee slammed the door.

"That's not gonna hold. Back upstairs!" Lee ordered.

No one needed to be told twice, but Kenny noticed a dead body with a loaded shotgun, and briefly struggled to get the gun. "Lee, look!" he called, and tossed it over to his friend. The door finally opened, and Lee carefully aimed the rifle.

He was able to shoot some walkers down while cautiously going backwards up the stairs until his leg got caught in a loose step. Hurriedly, he began prying it out, having to shoot some more walkers in the process.

Once his leg was free, he was finally able to run up the stairs and catch up with the rest of the group. Carlos was looking out what seemed to be a broken window. "Any way out of here?" he asked.

"This leads to the roof," Christa said, "We might be able to find a way down from there."

"I can see the sewer where we came in!" Carlos said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Kenny asked. "Let's go!" Each of them climbed down from the window, hurrying so the walkers wouldn't catch up to them. Ben was the last to climb out the window, and finally the group was hurrying, trying to get back to the sewer that they came from.

They were lucky enough to get through the sewer and back to the house without any problems, and entered through the backyard.

"Omid?" Christa called.

"Clementine!" Lee reciprocated.

"Sarah?" Carlos was the last to speak up.

At that, two thundering sets of footsteps came running down the stairs. Sarah and Clementine brightened at the fact that everyone had returned safely.

"Lee!" Clementine cried.

"Dad!" Sarah exclaimed. "You're back!"

Both girls ran to hug their respective loved ones, both men returning them without a second thought.

"You made it back!" Clementine nearly yelled.

"Told you we would, didn't we?" Lee smiled.

"Did you find my parents?"

"No, Clem, I'm sorry. Crawford...there just wasn't time," Lee answered honestly.

"Oh..." she replied, unable to think of a more proper response.

"How's Lilly and Omid?" Lee asked.

Clementine shrugged. "Lilly is fine, but Omid..." she trailed off, and Lee frowned. That could only mean that his condition had worsened overnight while they were gone collecting supplies. He just hoped that they weren't too late, and they were still able to save him.

"Carlos?" Christa called from upstairs. "Can you come check on Omid?"

"I'll be right back, Sarah," Carlos said, and walked upstairs with Lee following him. He needed to make sure that Omid was still okay. When they arrived upstairs, they saw Christa kneeling beside Omid, who looked nearly unconscious. Maybe it was too late after all.

"Stay back, Christa..." Lee warned.

"I never should have left you..." Christa trailed off, talking to Omid. "I'm so sorry." Suddenly, Omid awoke, and Lee pushed Christa back, just in case he had turned.

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