Meeting Properly

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After Carlos made sure that Sarah was in a safe place, he went to help the blonde woman, Katjaa, in making sure that David was okay. "Travis? Can you give me a hand please?" he asked, calling for the teen.

"Uh, yeah, sure," Travis said, and the two walked to the truck where Katjaa was standing.

"Maybe I can help?" Carlos offered. "I'm a doctor."

Katjaa nodded gratefully. "I think I've gotten the bleeding to stop." Carlos took some time to look at what was left of David's leg. It was chopped off all the way to the knee, and he had lost a lot of blood in the process.

"Have you got clean bandages?" Carlos asked.

"Not very many," Katjaa answered. "I'll go get them for you," she said, and walked off to one of the motel rooms.

"Is he going to live?" Travis asked, pulling Carlos out of his thoughts.

"We're going to see what we can do for him," the Spanish man responded. "Hopefully, he will be okay."

"I hope so too," Travis stated, looking at the ground. The two heard yelling and turned around, only to find Kenny and Lilly fighting over "leadership," and Lee in the middle. He seemed to be the peacemaker between the two.

"It doesn't matter who's in charge!" Lee tried to reason. "Those people are here now. I guess we just have to decide what happens next."

"No, Lee, it does matter! We can't have one person in charge of everything!" Kenny retaliated.

Carlos decided not to listen in at this point, and he and Travis turned to see Katjaa walking out of the room with a somewhat small first-aid kit. A few medical supplies was still better than no supplies.

Meanwhile, Sarah was lying on her stomach beside Ben, hoping to make some friends in the little girl and the boy. The lady sitting in the chair seemed nice too. The young teen got some paper and decided on what to draw. After a moment, she decided to draw her old cat, Pepper, and started her search for a gray crayon.

"What are your names?" the little girl inquired, looking over to Sarah and Ben. "I'm Clementine."

"I'm Sarah," Sarah gave the girl, Clementine, a small smile. She looked up at Ben. "That's Ben."

"And I'm Duck!" the little boy said, coloring fiercely on his paper and introducing himself to the newcomers.

"That man over there-" Sarah said, pointing over to Carlos, "He's my dad."

"My dad has a mustache!" Duck replied. Clementine said nothing, and only kept coloring on her small piece of paper. Sarah wondered why she didn't say anything. Did Clementine not like her already? Had she said something wrong?

Carlos finally had wrapped the bandages around David's leg, and secured them tightly. "There," he said, making sure they were in their place. "That's all we can do for now. Hopefully he'll wake up."

"And if he doesn't?" Travis asked.

"Then he's gone," Carlos answered simply. Kenny and Lilly were still arguing quite loudly, Lee trying to settle things, and Carlos was beginning to doubt his decision about coming here. He didn't want people fighting around his daughter. But still, this camp had a lot of people, and there was always safety in numbers.

"Since you think this is so easy, why don't you hand out the food rations today?" Lilly yelled, shoving only four items of food into Lee's hands. "There you go, oh, and guess what? There's not enough for everyone. Have fun," she said bitterly.

Nearly everyone looked over at Lee almost hopefully. It was all too obvious that they had a low supply of food as well as medicine and bandages. Carlos decided not to take any food (if he was offered any), as it didn't belong to him. But deep down, he secretly hoped that his daughter would be offered something.

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