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"Come on... Just come the FUCK on!" Kenny yelled angrily. Of course, the one time they thought everything was going to be okay, something like this had to go and happen. Couldn't they ever catch a break? "Who did this?" he questioned once more.

"Could have been anyone," Carlos answered as he and Omid walked inside to inspect the empty shed.

"It's the guy on the radio, the one that's got Clem!" Lee insisted. "They're gone! Holy shit...they're gone..." His eyes widened in realization.

"Relax," Christa tried to calm him down.

"Hey guys..." Omid interrupted, holding up a piece of paper.

"Looks like it wasn't the guy on the radio after all," Carlos added.

"Who was it, then?" Lilly asked.

"Molly," Omid revealed.

"NO fucking way!" Kenny walked in the shed to get the note.

"I knew we should have never trusted that bitch," Lilly commented.

"Well, look, she's been dealing with shitty situations even longer than we have," Christa pointed out. "No wonder she got the jump on us."

"I don't care! When I find that bitch, I'm gonna tear her goddamn throat out!" Kenny yelled, making Sarah flinch.

"She says that it's because of some argument, and that she couldn't take it anymore," Omid pointed out. He wasn't aware of what had occurred only hours earlier.

"I can't believe she did this..." Lee trailed off.

"She fucked us!" Kenny yelled.

Christa looked in the other direction. "Omid, can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard? We shouldn't be out in the open."

"Yeah." Omid went to do as requested.

"We are so FUCKED!" Kenny continued.

"Clementine is still out there," Carlos pointed out.

"So we get Clementine, and then what?"

"We get the fuck out of cities. I'm done with cities," Christa replied. "We go into the countryside and make a go of it."

"I actually like that idea," Lilly said after a thought.

"Me too," Ben added.

"Nobody asked you," Kenny snapped, clearly still angry at the young teen.

"You just did," he pointed out.

"Don't get fucking smart with me, Ben," he replied bitterly.

"Chill out!" Christa tried to calm everyone down.

"Do you remember we had a boat?" Kenny asked sarcastically. "A boat!"

"Get over it!" Ben nearly yelled, causing Sarah to cover her ears from all the yelling.

Carlos grabbed his daughter's hand. "Please stop arguing," he asked, not wanting her to become frightened.

"Everyone keep it together," Lee ordered. "Nothing has changed, has it?" he asked.

Lilly scoffed. "Nothing has changed?"

"Everything has changed!" Kenny yelled once more.

Lee shook his head. "I mean immediately. We stay the course, don't turn on each other."

"Yeah, chill out, Kenny," Ben commented, getting a dirty look from Kenny.

Omid then opened the shed doors so that they could get inside the yard of the house. "We can do this in the yard," Christa said.

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