Chapter 34

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As we, Glen and I, returned to the living room, Mark was noticeably looking impatient. He span towards us, looking relieved that we had finally appeared.

"Glen, I need to go back to the hotel." Something was wrong. His eyes were flicking too quickly around the room.

"What's going on?" I asked, not really expecting an answer, but hoping for one nonetheless.

"I need to check something." His tone was obviously dimsissing the subject.

"You're going to have to elaborate, or you're walking." Glen folded his arms across his chest.

Mark sighed. "I guess I'll walk. But make sure she stays here." His finger pointed in my direction.

Me? I turned around, expecting him to be pointing at someone behind me, until the reality of my stupidity hit me square in the face. Smooth, Teghan. Real smooth. Internally, I rolled my eyes before straightening up. "Why should I have to stay here?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he moved towards the door. Chantel took this time to appear, running straight for the door and blocked it with her body. She then met my gaze. "Sorry. I was eavesdropping." Then shrugged slightly. She then span her attention to Mark. "I think you should talk." She had a way of seeming really authoritive when she felt the need.

However, Mark seemed immune. He took her wrist and pulled her harshly away from the door. Chantel yelped. Even with her best effort to stay in place, she was moved away from the door. She took the opportunity to push her full body weight (which was pretty average, really) against him to startle him. I worked efficently by running over to the door, locking it with the key already in the slot and removing it from the slot. I turned to face Mark then as he pushed Chantel away from him. His gaze fixed on me, and he looked pissed.

"Move away from the door. You don't understand what's at stake." His voice was eerily calm, but his eyes were telling a different story. I felt like I was facing a time bomb that was ready to go off at any moment.

"Then tell us." Glen chimed in. He had moved to steady Chantel, who had fallen onto the floor from the force of the shove.

"Teghan, move out of the fucking way." His calm was disappearing fast.

I shrugged. "Sure." I moved away. Mark had obviously not seen me lock the door as he moved towards it, pushing down the handle. "Oh yeah. You might need the key."

Again, his eyes fixed onto me. It was the same glare I had seen before, but on a different face. It was the same look Dylan had given me the night I had met him before he had plunged the knife into my stomach.

"Mark, calm the fuck down." Glen's voice wasn't as calm as it usually was. "Why are you so eager to leave?"

"He has Rina!" Mark yelled, his voice breaking, along with his heart. "He has Rina." He repeated again in a quieter voice.

For a second, I wondered who the hell Rina was, until I remebered Mark mentioning her. Rina is Mark's wife. "Dylan has her?"

He nodded. "Can you please just unlock the fucking door?" He was shaking with frustration and anger, and his jaw was set tightly.

"He wants to trade?" I looked up at Glen who was looking at the far wall, his mind calculating. Again, Mark nodded. "So you want Teghan to stay here while you run out there and end up getting yourself killed? No." He looked down at me. "Keep the key."

"I have an idea." I spouted. Everyone stared at me. "We kill the bastard."

"Gee. Thanks. It's not like I didn't think of that." Mark rolled his eyes at me. "Award for Captain Obvious."

I stepped towards him, anger getting the better of me. "I can easily let Rina be killed. So talk like that again, and I'm keeping you locked in here."

Wrong move. His hand reached for me and closed around my throat as he pushed me up against the door with a speed I didn't know he possessed. "Say that again. I dare you." His voice whispered harshly into my face. His blunt nails pinched the skin of my throat.

"Mark, put her down!" Glen yelled, dragging Mark by the back. Glen was slightly shorter, but he still managed to pry Mark off of me.

"You're fucking crazy." I managed to say, my voice a breathless whisper as I struggled to breathe through a crushed windpipe.

The key had managed to fall out of my hand, onto the floor. Mark reached down to pick it up. None of us moved to stop him as he unlocked the door, threw the key aside and slammed the door behind him.

Chantel reached down to pull me to my feet. "Are you okay?"

"I've been better." My voice was stronger than before but still strained.

"I'm going after him." Glen moved towards the door, obviously on a mission. He turned back, looking at Chantel. "Stay here." His gaze fixed onto me. "I mean it." His tone was rigid.

Like I'm staying here. I moved over to him to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. "Don't get hurt." I mumbled into his chest. Discreetly, I moved my hand towards his pocket, hooking out what I needed and slipping it up my sleeve. Glen didn't realise. He kissed my forehead lightly before departing.

I span back around to Chantel. "We're really staying here?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

In response, I held up the object I had stolen from Glen. I shook his room key in the air. "We're going, but we're going to be subtle."

"Subtle is my middle name." She winked, her eyes lighting up with the idea of an adventure.

Her middle name was not subtle. She was the furthest from subtle you can possibly get, but I didn't tell her this. I ran off to my bedroom, changing into a new pair of black skinny jeans and a dark tank top. I felt like an explorer if I was being quite honest, as the idea of an adventure excited me too, even if I would be at severe risk. Chantel borrowed a pair of dark jeans and a dark t-shirt, also going for the 'adventurer' outfit. Slipping on converse, we bounded out of the apartment, leaving the key under the mat so neither of us lost it.

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