Chapter 8

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After the sound check, we all decided to go out for drinks. Danny bought the first round of shots - what a surprise, vodka - which we all raised together and downed quickly. Glen couldn't drink as he was driving. He was the only sober one. It went on like that for several rounds before Rodney and Ben disappeared.

"We should head back soon. We don't want to be too hungover for the gig tomorrow." Mark said, taking on the responsible role.

"Agreed." Danny said. "It's never good singing high notes when you're hungover."

"Lucky for me, I don't have to perform on a stage tomorrow." I smiled, shaking my empty shot glass in the air. "I'm up for more."

"Let me fetch you another then." Danny took the glass from my hand, taking it over to the bar to be refilled.

"Is this how you guys usually spend your pre-gig nights? Drinking in bars?"

"Pretty much. It's an Irish thing." Mark said, smiling.

"Here you go." Danny said, planting the full shot glass in front of me.

"Thank you." I picked it straight up and swallowed the contents. I noticed Glen shrugging on his jacket.

"If you guys want a lift back, you should follow now."

"Spoil-sport." I said,  under my breath,  standing up. I nearly fell over, giggling slightly.

"Steady there." Danny said. Resting his hand on my shoulder. I saw him smiling a little.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Gripping onto the stool, I kept myself upright.

"Sure you are." Mark said, trying not to laugh.

"Not all of us have the Irish alcohol threshold." I let go of the bar stool, swaying only a little. "I can walk."

"This is going to be entertaining." Glen laughed, walking out of the bar with Mark. Danny hung back, waiting to follow after me.

"I bet you're only staying behind so you can laugh at me." I stepped forward slowly, trying to keep my balance.

"Maybe I am." He laughed.

"Asshole." I muttered, walking forward quicker now. "See! I can walk." I exclaimed.

"Not in a straight line though."

"That wasn't in the rules."

Somehow, I manged to get to the car without face-planting the pavement. Once we reached the car, I slid into the backseats next to Danny, staring out of the window. The hotel was not far away, so it was only a short drive. Glen held my door open for me and helped me out. As we walked into the lobby, everyone turned to look at the four of us. Before I realised what happened, a group of girls were in front of the lads, looking at them with adoration. Mark turned around, meeting my gaze.

"You have some crazy, stalker fans." I giggled.

"We'll meet you upstairs?" He passed me Glen's room key.

"Sure." I was quite happy to get away from the crowd of giggling and screaming girls. I entered the elevator, going upstairs to the floor that held Glen's room. As I reached his door, I tried fitting the key into the door, but dropped it several times. In the end, I resulted in sitting at the bottom of the door, giving up on trying to open it. I rested my head against the doorframe, my eyes gently closing as I unintentionally fell asleep.

I awoke soon after, hearing a soft voice in my ear.

"Trying to sleep." I murmured.

"Come on. Let's get you inside."  I felt someone's arm slip underneath me and I felt my body being raised.

"But I was comfy there." I sighed, opening my eyes slightly.

"You'll be more comfy in an actual bed."

I felt myself smiling. "That would be nice."

I heard the door unlock and a light turned on. I squinted against the bright light. My body was gently eased against a soft surface, where my eyes opened slightly more. Glen was leaning over me, adjusting the pillows under my head.

"Better?" He asked, humour in his voice.

I nodded slightly. I felt my eyes closing again. Before I could stop myself, I was asleep again.

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