Chapter 15

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Someone gently nudged my shoulder. Groaning, I opened my eyes. Danny's face was close to mine. I could see his features clearly. He looked panicked.

"There are footsteps outside." He whispered, leaning closer to my ear.

"What do we do?" I whispered back.

"Don't move." He was crouched right in front of me. Heat was radiating off of his body. One of his hands was resting on my upper arm.

Listening closely, the footsteps were easier to be heard. My fingers began to tremble slightly. The footsteps sounded outside of the door. I felt my breath catch. Danny placed his free hand over my mouth, looking me in the eyes. I could almost hear him wishing me to stay silent. The footsteps stopped outside the door.

Breaking the silence, Danny's phone blared out its ringtone. "Shit." He cursed, answering his phone. I watched as his features became smoother. He pocketed the phone without responding to the caller. He let go of me, helping me rise to my feet.

"What's going on?" I asked, forgetting to keep my voice low. He pulled me out the way of the door. He unlocked it and swung it open. Looking in from the doorway were Glen and Mark. They ran straight in, closing and locking the door behind them. Mark flicked the light switch on, obviously not worrying about drawing attention to ourselves. My eyes fixed on Glen. He walked over slowly.

"Everything okay?"

"As okay as it could be." I answered.

"Good." He nodded. His hand found mine. He squeezed it slightly.

"Okay. What do we do now?" Danny asked.

"Work out a way to get Teghan out." Glen answered.

"What about you guys? You guys need to get out too."

"You're the priority." Glen said, meeting my eyes.

"I am not leaving without you. Or Danny and Mark for that matter." My voice became slightly higher.

"Listen..." Glen began.

"No, Glen. You listen." I cut him off. "I am going nowhere without you. I'm not letting Dylan keep you locked in here while I'm skipping in the meadows." I held his gaze. "Okay? So stop talking like you're going to get only me out of here."

"Okay." He said quietly. His voice was soothing.

"We should find supplies." Mark decided. "Danny, you bring blankets or anything like that."

"We'll find food." Glen said, squeezing my hand slightly.

"I'll keep watch. Everyone have your phones on so I can contact you." Mark declared.

Glen and Danny nodded.

Glen guided me out of the room. He slowed his pace to match mine. It must have reached morning at some point, as when we passed windows high up the walls, light streamed through.

"How long do you think we will be here for?"

"Depends how long Dylan wants to wait to strike." He answered. He practically spat out my stalker's name.

"I'm sure it won't be long. He won't want to risk us finding an escape route." Nerves overtook my body. "He could strike at any minute. He could kill me." I stopped in my path. I covered my face with my hands.

Keep it down. You can handle this.

"Teghan. Look at me." His voice was calm and soft. I peered through my fingers at him. He had guided himself around to stand in front of me. "Teghan, I'm always going to protect you." I pulled my hands away from my face. "No matter what happens, I will shield you." He took my hands in his. Our fingers entwined with each others.

"I don't want you to get hurt either." I whispered. His eyes glistened their perfect blue-grey colour.

"I wouldn't mind getting hurt to keep you safe."

I missed what happened, but somehow our lips were touching. His lips were warm and soft, gentle and smooth.

Interrupting the moment before I was happy for it to end, Glen's phone began to ring. Half of me wanted to ignore it, but I knew something could potentially be wrong, so I stepped back so he could answer it.

"Mark really does choose his times." Glen muttered, answering the phone. He clicked it onto loud speaker. "What's up?"

"Checking to make sure you haven't died. You've been gone ages."

"We're still looking. We'll be back soon." Glen said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Did I interrupt something?" I could sense Mark smiling.

"Ass." I said.

Mark began laughing down the other end. Glen ended the call, returning the phone to his pocket.

"We should probably go find something." I said.

"Yeah. That's probably the best plan."

Together, we actually began the search for food supplies.

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