Chapter 35

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We looked quite ridiculous catching the bus. We didn't blend in at all as we sat, focus plain on our faces.

I can drive (well, it's debatable), but leaving my car in the hotel parking lot didn't fill me with pleasant thoughts. I feared it would be stolen, hence why I never took my car anywhere, or somebody would recognise it. Not like Glen, Mark or Danny had been looking at my car. Not like they even knew I had a car. Even I forgot I had a car sometimes. That's how often I drive my car.

You're not making sense. I sighed, knowing nerves were officially taking their course through my body. I began tapping my foot, encouraging dirty looks from an older couple. Chantel gently tapped my arm, obviously telling me to stop. I waved an apology to the couple, yet they continued staring.

I turned to look out of the window. Outside, it was raining. Bet you're glad you didn't bring a coat. As I looked through the glass, I felt like some song should be playing as I felt like I was in a music video.

Shut up. Internally, I slapped myself. My thoughts were a combination of random crap and things that I usually never thought about, like my car, demonstrating yet again how much I use it.

I was too involved in my own mind that I didn't realised we had reached our stop until Chantel literally dragged me out of the seat. The couple continued frowing at me until the bus drove off. "Well, they were chipper." I nodded in the direction the bus had gone.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes, taking my wrist in her hand and dragged me towards the hotel in the pouring rain.

          *          *          *          *          *

By the time we reached the hotel, my hair was plastered to my face from the rain. My clothes were soaked and my jeans were stuck to my skin. We looked up at the fancy place, and I froze to the spot.

Chantel walked on, about to walk inside before she turned to look at me. "You coming?"

"How do we even know they're here?" I tried to sound casual.

"Teghan, come on. I know you're scared. But standing out here in the freezing cold, you will get hypothermia. Let's just get to Glen's room, then work it out from there." I nodded in agreement, finally being able to move.

The lobby was a welcomed pleasure after walking in the icy rain. My clothes began to drip onto the clean floor, making me feel guilty for even setting foot in this place. Staring at the floor, I made my way to the elevator. I went to press the button. Blocking the button was a sign saying "out of service". I sighed, looking around for the stairs. I sighted them, taking Chantel's hand, dragging her towards them. We took them, two at a time, side by side. It worked well until someone was coming down them and I didn't notice as I was too busy with my gaze fixated on my feet.

So yeah, I walked straight into them, and wished I hadn't.

"Sorry." I said, looking up. Danny was stood there, his nose bandaged up.

"Teghan?" He looked at me closely. "You're supposed to remove your clothes before showering."

"Have you seen Mark? Or Glen?" I asked, hopeful he would have an answer.

"Glen made it pretty clear that he didn't want to see me for at least a week." He indicated his nose. "Mark, no. I haven't seen him, but I'm looking for him."

"Come with us." Chantel said. She was higher up the stairs. I glared at her and she shrugged slightly. "We might find him easier with more people looking."

As much as I didn't want to admit that she was right, she was right. Setting aside my burning dislike towards him, I tried my best to smile at him. "Six eyes are better than four."

Danny muttered some acceptance of the offer and followed us up the stairs to Glen's floor.

          *          *          *          *          *

Using the key that I had stolen from Glen, I opened his room. Sure enough, everything was tidy. His bed was made - although, that could have been room service - and his clothes were hung neatly in his wardrobe. I ran my hand through my wet hair, wishing to run into the bathroom and at least semi-dry it with a towel.

Danny moved into the room and made himself comfortable on the bed. He posed in a 'seductive' position, wiggling his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. "You look like an unsuccessful porn star."

"Ouch." He faked pain, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

"Teghan, behave." Chantel whispered to me.

"I'll behave when he stops provoking me." You sound like a whiny child.

Danny mocked my voice from the other side of the room, chuckling to himself. "You're worse than my sister was during her teenage years."

"If only I had a shit to give."

"Guys, stop." Chantel pointed at both of us. "Either kiss and make up, or learn to tolerate each other, because your issues are not important right now."

Since when was she allowed to be the responsible one? "Don't think I'm coming anywhere near you, dick."

"Nice to know, Love." He smirked when he saw how much his means of address infuriated me.

"I cannot focus with soaking wet hair. Give me a minute." I turned to the bathroom. I heard Dan making some side remark, to which my middle finger automatically saluted him.

I closed the door behind me, grabbing a towel from the rack next to the door. I had been in this bathroom enough times to know where everything was, so I didn't feel the urge to look in properly.

Wow. Big mistake.

A hand grabbed my upper arm in a vice-tight grip, spinning me around to face the person. A cool edge was pushed to my throat, so close that I doubted I would be able to breathe without having my throat sliced open. I looked into the person's face and my throat locked.

Of all people, I didn't think Selena would be the one holding a knife to my throat.

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