Chapter 27

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He drove us back to my apartment. I tackled the stairs, taking them slowly and carefully before I reached my floor. I found my spare key and unlocked the door, walking inside. Glen followed after me. I sat down leisurely on the couch feeling exhaustion flow through my veins. He sat next to me.

"You look tired." He stated.

"'Tired' is an understatement." I let my head fall back. Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes.

"You should take your penicillin first." He fished through my medication and found my penicillin. He took himself off into my kitchen and returned with a glass of water. He passed them both over to me. After taking the perscribed amount, I handed him back the glass of water, which he put on the coffee table.

"Are you going to sleep here?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Walking is too much effort." I breathed.

"So...are you going to tell me how Dylan found you?" He asked, trying to make it sound like a casual question.

"You know, I think I am going to try moving again..." I hoped it would change the subject. I moved, starting to stand up. Glen looked slightly surprised, yet rose to his feet to help me up. At a slow pace, I took each step warily to my bedroom. The sheets were strewn on the bed in an untidy heap.

"You really weren't kidding when you said you don't know how to make a bed." He laughed.

"Some of us aren't neat freaks." I was just glad I had taken the time to pick up my dirty washing a few days before, even if my room was scruffy and everything was out of place. "This is how a bedroom should look: lived in." Cautiously, I perched on the the edge of my bed, kicking off my shoes. Moving gently, I moved my legs up onto the bed and led myself down. Glen, being sweet, draped the duvet over my body. He kissed me on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams." He whispered then span around to leave the room.

"Glen." I mumbled. He turned back around to face me. "Please don't leave me." The idea of being left alone filled me with dread. A deep fear that Dylan would be able to hurt me while I was vulnerable was partially the reason I wanted him to stay: the other reason was the craving of his presence near mine.

I didn't face rejection. He smiled, his smile bright in the darkness of my vision. He walked around to the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge. Slowly, he removed his shoes before pulling back the duvet and lying down.

The warmth from his body called for me to move closer to him. I did, trying to not let him notice. Even when he did, I heard him laugh slightly. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe as his arms protected me from all the terror in the world. Somehow, being with him created a slot in time where everything was just perfect. I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat every second or so.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?"

"For not leaving me." Drowsiness swept over me. I yawned, straining to keep my eyes open.

"You don't have to thank me."

"I do. And I mean it."

"I know you do." His fingers glided through my hair. "Good night." He whispered.

I fell asleep almost instantly.

          *          *          *          *          *

I was running through a darkened forest. My feet were bare, twigs scratching at my soles. I looked down to find myself in a pure white dress. It felt wrong to be wearing white whilst running in such a dirty place. My skin was its usual pale self, my hair twisted into a bun on my head. The trees seemed to be warning me to stop as they wailed in the wind, yet I continued running.

I approached a stream, its water clear and pristine. It flowed leisurely past me. My toes touched the water. I recoiled as I felt how hot it was. In fact, it was more than likely past boiling point. So why wasn't it bubbling? Why wasn't there steam? Still, I had to cross the stream to get away.

"No point in running." I heard a voice say. I turned around, seeing a girl that I knew stood upon a rock, her dress torn, shredded and stained with red. Chantel stepped off the rock, falling gracefully to the ground before moving closer to me. "He will find you no matter where you go." Her cool fingers touched my face. Her eyes were darker than usual. It looked as though she had no iris; only the pupil and the white of her eye.

"He can't. He won't." My voice was desperate and plagued with fear.

"You act so innocent." She smiled. Her teeth were too perfect to be hers. Her hand closed around my throat which surprised me. I gasped as her fist closed tighter. She's too strong. I tried kicking at her, yet she only laughed. She swiped my legs out from under me, pushing my head under the boiling water.

          *          *          *          *          *

I sat bolt-upright. I was in a damp sweat, my heart thundering against my ribs, willing to break free. My half of the sheets were twisted around my body in an uncomfortable heap. I looked beside me to find no-one there. The duvet was perfectly made on that side. The only evidence that he had been there was the slight indent in the pillow.

I pulled myself out of the bed, making my way into the living room, then to the kitchen and to the other rooms in my apartment. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I guess I felt betrayed. He had meant to leave.

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