Chapter 18

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At first, I had no idea how to react. Are you supposed to go off screaming, trying to find a place to hide to protect yourself? Or are you supposed to stand your ground, fighting against the person trying to kill you? Maybe you're supposed to find your other friends and help to keep them safe? Yet, none of these ideas dominated my mind, causing me to take action. Instead, I was frozen in place, wishing for a plan to fathom within my clouded mind.

I could hear Danny calling my name. I could also see him, but his features were blurred in my confusion. It was only when he began tugging at my arm, trying to get to me to move, that I snapped back into focus, away from the fear-filled abyss.

"Not the time to be visiting space." I heard him mutter under his breath. I shook myself, clearing my mind of the fog that had plagued my thoughts. Danny sighed in relief. "Come on." He pulled me into a run, leading me down the stairs at the edge of the stage.

His strides were a lot larger than mine, so I began to fall behind rapidly. I yelled at him to slow down, and he did, although it didn't make much of a difference. I didn't bother asking where we were heading; I chose to save my energy for the effort of running.

I had never seen myself as having to run many times in my life, let alone for the sake of staying alive. Why was he taking the time to 'play' with us? Was it purely to scare the living shit out of us? Because if it was, he was doing a very good job of it.

Danny turned a corner unexpectedly,  causing me to nearly miss the turn. I scraped my shoulder against the wall as I turned. Smooth. I refused to let it slow me down as I continued after Danny, trying to keep breathing calmly. Again, he continued to make a larger distance between us as his strides became wider again. He turned and flashed a look towards me. Realising the distance he had caused, he stopped in his tracks, waiting for me to catch up.

It's not that I was unfit; it's just that it's hard to keep up with someone who is nearly double the size of you, even if you are being propelled by adrenaline. I reached his side soon enough, but he didn't start running again, so I stopped next to him.

"We should find Glen and Mark." I managed to say whilst trying to catch my breath.

"Unless he already found them." He was looking at the wall behind me.

"What makes you say that?" I turned around to look where he was looking.

There was a bloodied hand print on the wall, smeared as though someone had tried to hold on but had been pulled away regardless. The sharp copper smell filled my nose, making me feel ill.

"Please tell me that is Dylan's blood." I whispered, staring at the hand print.

"I don't think the odds are pointing towards that." He breathed deeply. "I'm guessing he's not working alone."

I covered my mouth with my hands. Glen. Please be okay.

"Come on, Teghan. We need to go." Danny began to walk away.

"How can you just walk away like this?" I knew tears were filling my eyes. Everything just seemed so real. All I could focus on was the blood smear in front of me.

"Listen to me." I drew my eyes away from the wall and looked up into Danny's face as he walked back over to me. "Do you think it's easy for me to look there and see my best friend's blood on the wall?" I shook my head slightly. "It's fucking hard. But I am not going to stare at it because that wouldn't achieve anything. If we walk away, there is a chance we can help them before anything worse happens, okay? Let's go before Mark or Glen get hurt even more." He span on his heel, walking away, not even looking back to see if I was following.

You have to admit that he's right. After a brief hesitation, I followed after him, knowing I had to keep it all together for the greater good.

Eventually, I caught up with Dan, but he didn't speak. He was searching for something; that much was obvious. I jumped slightly as my phone beeped, breaking the silence. Hastily, I pulled out my phone, reading the new message.

Two found. You're next.

Danny was reading over my shoulder. I pocketed the phone. I looked up and met his gaze, but he looked away. "Are we just walking around, hoping we don't bump into Dylan? Because that's a pretty shit idea." I felt myself hissing at him.

"Even if I told you what I was doing, you wouldn't approve." He sounded fed-up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I folded my arms across my chest, refusing to move.

"I don't need your agreement on everything." He rolled his eyes, staring at me. "Now, move before I drag you."

"You know this tough guy act is wearing pretty thin." I glared at him.

"This 'tough guy act' is not an act. Move your ass." His hand closed around my wrist.

"Dan! Get off of me!" I yelled. Something cool touched my skin. I looked down to see one half of a handcuff around my wrist. "What the hell?"

Before I could stop him, he opened a door on the left wall and dragged me in. I realised it was a bathroom. He closed the other half of the handcuff around the pipe under the sink. He met my eyes, forcing a smile. "Stay put." He then began to leave the room.

I snapped out of my daze. "You asshole!" I screamed, pulling at the handcuffs.

"Glen made me promise that I would keep you safe. This is the only way I know how." He left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

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