Chapter 36

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Don't move. She's going to kill you.

Her eyes were cold and hard, warning me not to try anything stupid. She didn't lessen the pressure of the knife on my throat, so I kept my breaths shallow.

"Do anything stupid and I will kill you." Her voice was a hiss.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered, my throat still feeling locked.

"Helping out my brother."

"What? But you're a make-up artist." I tried speaking a bit louder, hoping either Chantel or Danny would wonder why the hell I was talking to myself and come to investigate.

"Everybody needs a day job." She smiled, but it wasn't the warming one she had used when I barely knew her.

"When you set fire to the were trying to kill me." Things began to make sense. I made my voice a little louder, kicking the back of the door gently with the heels of my feet.

She moved the knife, cutting down the side of my face. I clenched my teeth, glaring at her. "Kick the door again, and I will kill you." Her eyes reflected her inner thoughts, telling me that she would kill me to please...her brother?

"Why don't you kill me now and save Dylan a job?"

"He wants to see you before he lets Rina go. It would be a shame if I never delivered you there and both of you die." She chuckled darkly.

There was a knock on the door, the vibration from the knock hitting my spine. "Want to take any longer?" Dan called through, sounding thoroughly bored.

Selena, warningly, pushed the knife back to my throat. I didn't know whether she wanted me to stay quiet or whether she wanted me to speak. My brain swirled with indecision, so I couldn't speak anyway.

"Teghan? Are you ignoring me?" Again, I didn't answer, even as Selena's eyes were telling me to say something, anything. "If you're ignoring me, then I'm coming in."

"Fucking say something." Selena growled into my ear.

"I'm not ignoring you." My voice was quiet, but it carried through the door.

"Hurry up, then." His breathing was still heard from the other side of the door. He wasn't moving away.

"Get him to go away."

I drove my knee into Selena's stomach, surprise causing her to drop the knife to the floor. At the sound of the clattering knife, Danny called my name again. I picked up the knife before she reached it, about to open the door. She grabbed a fistful of my hair, causing me to squeal. She dragged me away from the door, attempting to reach around my body to get the knife. In the struggle, I cut her arm with it. She yelled out, letting me go as she looked at her wound. Blood slowly began to coat the skin of her arm. She looked up at me in surprise. I instanly felt extremely guilty for injuring her. I dropped the knife in my guilt. She lunged for it, so I grabbed her wounded arm in a tight grip. She squealed slightly. With more strength than I thought she could muster, she kneed me in the stomach. As I bent over from the pain, her knee connected with my face with a large force.

I groaned loudly, falling to the floor. My vision filled with dark spots, my face exploding with immediate pain. The door to the room opened, but I was too busy focusing on trying to grab the knife so that she couldn't use it on me. I reached it, picking it up. Reaching up to use the sink to help me stand, I faced Selena again.

Danny had her held in vice-tight grip, his forearm pushing against her throat as she squirmed. I met her eyes and she growled. "Dylan knows where you are. You can't hide." She spat out.

"That's adorable." Dan said. He walked out the room backwards, dragging her too, no matter how hard she tried to stay in place.

"He's got guns." Selena laughed. "He's going to kill Rina whether you turn up or not."

Chantel  came over. "Just shut the fuck up." She said, sounding mildly irritated. When Selena didn't, Chantel punched her in the stomach. I turned to her, eyebrows raised. She's becoming badass. Chantel came over to me, taking the knife out of my hand and looking at my face. I lifted my hand to my nose, realising it was bleeding. The copper smell of my blood clung to the inside of my nose. I picked up the towel I had originally grabbed and pushed it to mop up the blood.

Selena was kicking at Dan's shins, but he hardly seemed phased. "Get the fuck off me." She was yelling, perhaps wishing somebody to walk past the room and ask what the hell was going on.

"Who the hell is she?" Chantel asked me, lowering her voice.

"Dylan's sister." My voice was muffled by the towel. Slowly, I pulled it away to see blood soaked into the white fabric. I felt bad, but found a clean spot to push up to my nose again.

"Teghan, you ready to trade Rina for Selena?" Danny asked.

I accepted his offer without hesitation.

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