Chapter 20

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Slowly, I managed to open my eyes. My head was throbbing. My thoughts were foggy. Nothing much was processing in my mind. One thing was floating among the fog; something that I felt I should be remembering. I tried to lift up my hands. I looked down, trying to focus on why they weren’t raising. Images swam in front of my eyes. My hands did not feel like my hands. I could see that they were attached to my arms, yet they felt unattached. My feet felt the same. I felt as though I was floating in a huge bubble, the bubble keeping me up high and isolated from the cruelness of the world. There was a funny taste in my mouth: it tasted sharply like copper. I tried to spit it out, but it wouldn’t vanish. I rested my head back against the back of the chair. I knew I was on a chair, yet it felt like I was seated on air. Everything seemed so light. Everything except from my head, which kept falling back every time I tried to lift it.

“Rest.” The voice sounded angelic, tingling my eardrums. I couldn’t picture a face to the voice, only the vision of a harp.

“Your voice is amazing.” My words were slurred, but I didn’t care. I had to tell the person; it was hugely necessary.

There was a soft chuckle. A hand rested on the top of my head, gently stroking my hair. It should have felt nice, but it made me feel tense. I pulled away slightly. It felt as though the bubble surrounding me was on the verge of being burst.

“What’s wrong?” The voice sounded gentle, but I knew it was only false. The happiness began to drain from my body. I felt myself become heavy again. I wasn’t sitting on air any longer; I was sat on an uncomfortable, straight-back chair. My head began to throb more. The fog didn’t clear.

“What’s going on?” I tried to lift my hands again. They were being forced down. My heart began to beat faster in my chest. My vision cleared more. The sense of security left me fully. In front of me was Dylan, his face close to mine. His lips were twisted into a smile.

The thing I was supposed to remember came clear. It echoed through the fog in my mind. Danny handed you over to Dylan. You’re screwed.

His hand reached down to rest over mine. "I see you're coming down from your high." His smile was not a nice thing to see.

"Get off me." I said, trying to shake the fog from my mind.

"If you insist." He took a step back, taking his hand off of mine. "You know, Danny did the right thing in handing you over to me." He laughed. The sound made me cringe. "The only thing is that I never had Glen and Mark in the first place." He laughed deeper this time.

"But you said you found two people. Who did you find?" My thoughts were gathering together now, fighting against the clouds.

"Ben and Rodney. I kept them here a little while." He dismissed the matter with a wave of his hand. "Doesn't matter. I've got you now. That's all I wanted." He smiled again as though he was proud of himself. I felt the urge to throw up.

"So now you're just going to kill me?" Fear contracted my chest.

"Not yet."

"What are you waiting for?" I felt tears rise to my eyes.

"I'm waiting for our means of transport to arrive." He lifted up my chin with his thumb and forefinger until my eyes met his. "Don't look so glum. I have lots planned."

He let go and walked away. No-one else was in the room. The room was dark and shadowy, only one window in the room. Outside, the stars were burning like lighters in the sky.

Betrayal burned in my chest. I understood why Danny had done it, but to know that Dylan never had Glen or Mark in the first place made sacrificing me seem useless. Were Rodney and Ben okay? Had they been hurt? The thought sent shivers down my spine. Please be okay.

          *          *          *          *          *          *

I was sat for what seemed like years before Dylan came back in. "Time to go, sweetheart." He came over, knife in hand. With ease, he cut the cable-ties that were pinning down my wrists. I rubbed at each wrist, trying to soothe the cuts that the cable-ties had caused. Dylan gripped my upper arm, pulling me to my feet.

"Transport has arrived. Let's go." He was smiling brightly.

Come on. You need to find a way to get away. Anything. His grip on my arm loosened and he pocketed the knife. He doesn't think you'll try to escape. I would prove him wrong. Trying to move swiftly, I elbowed him in the ribs with all my strength. He cried out, cursing. I attempted to grab the knife, but he got there first. Before he could point it at me, I pulled out of his grip and began running.

"Glen! Mark! Dan!" I screamed out while running down the corridor. I had no idea where I was. So much for trying not to rip any more of your stitches. I nearly missed the turn, only just avoiding running into a wall face-first. I could hear Dylan's footsteps gaining on me. "Glen!" I shrieked again, continuing running as fast I could.

"Teghan?" I heard in the distance.

As fast as my legs would allow me to, I made my way towards the voice. Come on. Dylan has nearly got you. I managed to sprint faster, making a slightly bigger gap between me and Dylan. The footsteps behind me stoppped suddenly. I didn't turn back; I continued forward. As I turned the next corner, one of the security guards blocked my path. I tried to step around him, but he stepped the same way, his broad shoulders seeming to take up the whole corridor. I screamed as he reached out for me. I tried to side-step him, but he grabbed me in his firm grip. He closed a hand around my mouth so my scream was muffled. My back was against the man's chest. I tried kicking him in the shins, but it had no effect. Great. I looked down the corridor, hoping to at least get a glimpse of Glen before I was rushed off to my death. I heard Dylan conversing with the man holding me, but I wasn't focusing on them. Glen. Please.

The security guard began walking away from the corridor. I struggled, trying to make him slow down. Glen. Come on...

I saw him. It was only a quick look before the guard continued walking around the corner. Our eyes had met, even if only for a split second. I heard my name being yelled. Dylan pulled out his knife, handing it to the guard. The guard released me from his grip.

"Don't let him past you. Get back-up if you need to. Don't let it happen." Dylan yelled, grabbing me and pulling me down the corridor. I tried to keep my feet placed on the floor, but Dylan was using his strength now, forcing me to follow. Before I knew it, he had pushed me out of one of the doors, and was opening the back of a van. He shoved me inside, me falling straight onto my side before he locked the door, leaving me in darkness. I rose to my feet, resting against the wall for support. I fell straight back down as the van started and began to drive away.

How do you escape now?

Was there actually a way?

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