Chapter 30

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My eyes fluttered open as the sun began to shine through the window. I stirred slightly, turning to look towards Glen. He was lying sound asleep, his bare chest rising and falling as he slept. His arm was protectively wrapped around me. Carefully, I slid out from under his arm. Gathering up my clothes, I headed into his bathroom to shower.

Returning about 20 minutes later, dressed but with my hair still wet, Glen hadn't moved. He was awake, but he hadn't bothered to move. He turned to look at me and smiled. "Hey." His voice was husky with sleep. Shivers flew down my spine at the sound of it.

"Hi." I waved awkwardly. Wow. Just wow. "I need to call Chantel." I pulled Danny's phone out of my pocket, but it wouldn't turn on. "Great. It's out of battery." I sighed, throwing it onto the bed. "I'll go use the one in the lobby."

"You could use mine." He said. He sat up and took the phone off of his bedside table. I walked over to him and took it out of his hand.

"Thank you." I dialled in her number and held the phone to my ear. She answered almost instantly.

"Teghan?" There was a tremour in her voice.

"Chantel? What's going on?" I looked helplessly at Glen. I switched the phone onto loud speaker so Glen too could hear.

"There's someone in here. There's someone inside the apartment." Her breathing was rapid but her voice was a strained whisper.

"Give us 10 minutes." Glen said

"Okay." She whispered back.

Glen ended the call, taking his phone back. "Go and get Mark." He told me Mark's room number. I practically ran out of the room, bounding down to Mark's room which was surprisingly quite far from Glen's. I banged on the door repeatedly until he opened it, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"It's 9am, Teghan." He yawned.

"There's someone in my apartment. Chantel's in there too." My voice was very strained.

He looked at me clearly this time, the effects of sleep waring off. "I'll meet you down in the lobby."

"Be quick." I ran back down the corridor to Glen's room, knocking on the door with less force. He opened it. He had changed into a new set of clothes and he waved the car keys in his hand.

"Let's go. Where's Mark?"

"He's meeting us in the lobby." I let Glen go in front to lead the way. Instead of waiting for the elevator, we took the stairs.

Waiting around for Mark seemed like forever. Beginning to pace, I found that I was more angry than nervous. Eventually, he appeared. Glen nodded silently at him and headed straight to the car. I followed after and Mark caught up with me.

We reached the car. "So we're just going to head into there and hope for the best? Because that idea is fucking dreadful." He muttered to me so that Glen couldn't hear.

"For the record, it's not my idea." I muttered back, sliding into the back seats of Glen's car.

Mark sighed deeply before taking the passenger seat and Glen jumped into the driver seat, heading straight for my apartment.

          *          *          *          *          *

Who thought we'd be playing superheroes at 9 in the morning? Trying to climb the stairs quickly but quietly, I tried to look around for something I could use as a weapon. I saw nothing, which was brilliant. There wasn't even a fire extinguisher on the wall. Well, that's brilliant. What if there was a fire? When we reached my floor, the door was fully shut. I tried opening it by pushing at it, but it was locked.

"Locked doors? Again? Are you kidding me?" I pretty much yelled. I turned around to look at Mark and Glen. "Now what?"

"Spare key?" Mark asked.

"Gee, I never thought about that." I said sarcastically. "I don't have a spare key." My voice returned to its serious manner.

"Maybe you should." I saw him smirking.

"What?" I asked. My voice was high.

"Nothing." He shook his head. "You just remind me of Rina."

"That's his wife." Glen interjected. Glen walked forward and began to knock on the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice pretty much hysterical.

"I'm knocking. It's a thing you do to get people to answer the door." He looked at me and smirked a little.

Mark chuckled from behind me. I turned and shot him a dirty look. I span back around as the door opened.

Stood in my doorway was Chantel, beaming from ear to ear. "Teghan! You didn't tell me you knew Danny O'Donoghue!" Danny peared around from the other side of the door, looking smug.

"Danny, what the hell are you doing in my apartment? And what the hell is going on?"

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