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Salina eyes widen as she grabbed the nearest thing which was the part of terrace. Chris snapped out of his stupor.

"Salinaaa" Chris lunch forward grabbing her hand. He can feel his heart galloping in fear. As his hand turned cold, precipitation forming on his forehead.

"Hold on, please" He begged her. Salina stare at him as he pulled her up, she did not try to rectify him that it happened by accident. Why does she not feel anything? Does it matter what he thinks? The moment she landed on the terrace, he hugged her tightly. She gulped down painfully.

This is painful she thought to herself. Her hand hurts so her legs but the only thing she could feel was the suffocating feeling in her chest. Why? Salina sighed feel her inside crunch she was not trying to scare him but she did.

"What were you thinking?" Chris yelled at her, shaking her. Salina blinked at his sudden change in behavior but he hold on to her. His hand griping on her shoulder.

Salina looked at him only to freeze for a while before slowly cupping his cheeks. Chris looked at her sudden change in behavior confused before she pressed her lips against his. Chris froze not knowing what to do. No the truth is he does not know what she wants him to do. But this is wrong on so many level. She was having an emotional breakdown. It's as if he is taking advantage of her vulnerability. He pushed her away carefully.

"I respect you enough to let you do this" Chris said. Salina stare at him before chuckling as a tear rolled down her check. Chris hold her up in a bridal style much to her surprise before walking down the stair case totally missing the man standing behind the door who rushed in here, hearing Chris's scream.

Chris walked straight to her room. In many occasions he bring her to her room after one of her drunken session. Salina blinked her eyes. Chris put her on the bed covering her with the blanket.

"Good night" He said before walking out. Does he know why she kissed him?

Salina looked at the shaken Chris only to notice the silhouette of the man behind him. He looked as panicked as Chris. She narrowed her eyes disgusted before cupping his cheeks. Pressing her lips against his while staring at Aaron.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' She asked herself closing her eyes.


Next morning

Marlyn stayed up all night. She was exhausted but her thoughts did not let her sleep.

'What will she do now?'

Divorce? Is this the only way?

It was already morning, she dragged herself to the bathroom taking a warm relaxing shower. She tried to stop her mind from over thinking. When she went down, the servants are already working. Antonio and Priscilla is no where to be seen. It been only one day that she was locked in that room but it feels suffocated.

The thought that Austin's mother spend her life locked in a room like this chilled her. What had she been through? What did Austin need to go through? And why was her mother involved in this?

Her eyes land on the open door. She could just walk out of here and hide for today. As long as Austin could not get a hold of her, the impending divorce would take a back seat.

"Marlyn" She feel her heartbeat speed up as she turned. A sudden fear that someone caught her trying to run away.

"Y..yes?" She blinked her eyes, Bella a maid, was standing behind her.

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