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Marlyn blinked her eyes, sitting up straight on her bed. She looked at the clock.

7 a.m.

She still has time for school.She washed her face and brushed her teeth. She can hear the front door opening.Marlyn walked out of her room.

"Good morning," She said as her lips curved up into a smile seeing him. He looks exhausted.

"Good morning Mar" His voice husky as he smiled back at her. He walked straight towards his room.

"Can I make you something or coffee?" She asked biting her lips. She know what his answer will be yet she is trying again.

"No, I will just take a shower and sleep" He refused. She just smiled, when he walked away her smile falter. She looked down sighing sighing this was not the first time she noticed. She always does. He keep her at an arm distance. It's almost like a pattern where he refuses if she tried to do anything for him. She did not want to but she feel bitter about that.

The doorbell ring. She opened the door.

"Food delivery" John smiled at Marlyn. John, Barrie, Jasmine and Cassandra work together at a cafe, where Austin asked them to deliver food whenever he can not pick up. They know each for a long time so this is a special service only available to Austin.

"Thank you," She said taking the food.

"My pleasure," He said handing her.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked like any other day.

"No thanks, Marlyn. See you at 4 p.m. and say, hello to Austin from me" he said with a grin patting her head. She nod her head smiling back. She putting the food on the table.

She worked at the cafe as a part-time job. Austin refused at a first but, later on, let her be as she insisted. Not only that the cafe is closer from here and he already knows the staff.

Marlyn get dressed for her school eating breakfast. She put his breakfast in the microwave and set the time. She wrote a small note and sticks it to the microwave.

The rest of the day went as usual. She was busy going through classes after classes.

At the lunch break, she and her best friend went to the cafeteria. They take a sit on the bench.

"You know the prom is coming, right?" Nora asked. She blinked her eyes.

"What?" Marlyn asked her who rolled her eyes.

"Are you even listening? Marlyn" Nora asked. She shakes her head in a no.

"The prom is coming, Have anyone asked you?" Nora asked.

"No" She looked away.

"Jordan wanted to ask you though" Nora grinned.

"I don't know, I need to ask Austin," She said sighing. She know there is no need for that. Austin... as much as she feel sad he would not care about her going to prom. She chuckled shaking her head. Nora stare at her.

"Austin?" Nora smirked.

"Who is Austin?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"No.. no one" blood crept from her neck and flushed her cheeks.

"Don't tell me it's the same man who came four months ago?" Nora asked smirking. She was turning red at every passing minute.

"Ah! Is he the same man who was here? Too bad he is older then us" Nora said. They have not talked about her mental breakdown since then. Marlyn flinched when she heard those last words. It's something Austin reminds her every moment she lives with him though not vocally. Why does an outsider had to tell her that?

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