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I updated this chapter yesterday and something went wrong and I had to rewrite this whole chapter and it's almost 4k.

My exam is still going on so I don't know when I will update next. The truth is when I swamped with work my mind likes to go on a trip on it's own and I just had to write what I thought. And I can only write in my free time. So, I don't know when I could update the next chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your love and support❤❤

Happy reading



Marlyn was still sitting in the same fatal position, she was waiting for the water to stop running almost forgetting that this is not her house and she is not with her mother. This is a big mansion with people who have more money than she could dream at the same time they are more hollow then she could ever be. Her heart ached painfully.

Why is she going through this? Her trembling hand rubbed her face. She feel choked but for some reason her eyes feel dry. Marlyn looked down smiling a bit. Did her tears finally dried up? Is there nothing for her to shade tears for? She chuckled rubbing her face. She could feel something heavy on her chest as she tried to breath. It took everything in her to stand up and walked out drenched. She discarded her clothes and put on his t-shirt. Marlyn went to bed shutting her eyes tightly only to see him kissing her. Will she ever forget that?

She curled up in a fatal position forcing her self to sleep her. The heavy feeling only increased as she sit up straight, her inside crunch as she feel bitter. Marlyn looked at the door afraid that he will walk in any moment. When did her 'always wanting to see him' turn into 'fear of seeing him'

She swallowed hard before glaring at the door. She is not ready to get hurt she can't not now when she is dwelling like this. She could not keep her eyes closed.

"Marlyn" even when she cried out her own name, there where no tears. It's as if she is empty from inside.

"Austin?" She whispered.

Why did she fall for him? She froze at her own thought as her heart drop to her stomach. She rubbed her face, why is she thinking like that?

'No no' She shake her head.

'Stop thinking like that Marlyn' She looked down smiling a bit because deep down she already answer her question. She loves Austin. She loves him since the first time they met. She loves how he take up their responsibility. He love how he frets over unhealthy food. She loves how he choose someone's life over her graduation. Even then he was there for her. She loves how kind he is. She loves how he treats Cassandra. She loves that... Marlyn choked as a heart wrenching sob escape from her mouth.

What is wrong with her?

Marlyn rock herself as she stare ahead her face paled even more.

It took a while she was lulled to sleep only to wake up from another nightmare which she know could come true. Thought out the night she was an emotional trainwreck constantly drifting to sleep only to be stuck in a never ending nightmare.

It was already morning, she was sitting on bed with dark circle. Marlyn dragged herself out of the bed and take a shower. She walked out of the room. She needs to get out of here but luck was not on her side as she saw Priscilla.

Her inside clenched. Priscilla turn to look at her, her lips turned upward.

Marlyn's inside clenched as her hand fold into a fist. She walked faster trying to walk past her as fast as she could.

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