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Suprise.. Not much but still.

Here it is another chapter.

This chapter has mature content. Reader discretion advised.




After that day everything went back to normal. It took a while for Austin to adjust. But he did slowly did taking his time and doing it on his own space.

They went of friendly dates. Austin usually hang out with whenever she wants never once he put his input. At first she was dejected about it but slowly she get to know that this is how he was.

And after slowly working on there relationship it took Austin two years but he finally said it. He told her that he loves her and kissed her.She felt like the happiest person alive. Tears of happiness fill her eyes. Not once she thought he will say those words but he did.

Things where settled in a routine. They would cuddle sometimes or kiss each other, but they still stayed in different room.

Austin never overstepped his boundaries even though she give him full permission to do so. But he strictly refused. She felt hurt about it but Austin told her that he will wait till her graduation. That was sweet of him.

She still remember how he would patt the sid of his bed as if telling her to get in, when she tries to wake him up early.  She giggled at her thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Austin asked behind.

"Nothing" she opened her arms, he raised his eyebrows before pulling her up in his arms and walked straight to her room, dumping her on the bed.

"Good night, love" He pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you," She smiled at him.

"I love you too" Her smiled brighten as a warmth spread across him.

She sleep off dreamily when he went back to his room.

1 and half years later...

It was almost mid night Marlyn was waiting for Austin to come back home. Her hand fidget with her dress. An off shoulder purple coloured dress. She was suppose too go to a resturant with Austin to celebrate her graduation. Today was one of the biggest day of her life she graduated now she can be with Austin proudly. She is not a kid anymore. Austin was busy this morning so he did not attend her ceremony but he promised to take her out for dinner but he did not came. She was upset but she can understand the emergency to save lives is more important than anything. She remember last time she talked to Austin today morning.


This morning...

"Good morning" she cheerfully greet him handing a cup of coffee. He take the coffee from her hand giving her a puzzled look.

"Don't tell me you forget" Marlyn put her hands on her hip staring at him. He sighed mumbling a 'as if I could forget'

Well that's true.

"Today is your graduation ceremony. I cannot be there but I will take you out for dinner at 7 p.m. Get ready on time" Austin said sipping on his coffee. She jumped giggling and pressing a kiss on his cheek. He shook his head and continue with his drink.

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