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A little early then expected. But enjoy.



Salina stare at the man who looked cold. The similarity is uncanny. She just hoped that their character is not same then she will be royally screwed.

Adriel does not know what he was expecting as he was sitting on the couch while Salina stare down at the girl he have no idea who.

"What can I do for you?" He asked politely after all she is his sister in law. And this might be the first time he actually talked to her.

"Many thing, but first thing first"

"Erin, you are not need" Salina cold and crisp voice cut through the hall way as she flat out asked her to get out. Erin stare at them suspiciously but did as she asked.

"Adriel, do follow me please. I want to talk in a more private setting" She could almost feel his glare. She turned smirking.

"Do you hate that name?" Salina just asked never thought he will confirm.

"Yes" His cold voice contrasting to the polite tone he used before.

"Refrain from call me that"

"What if I don't"

" Then I will get out of here, right now" Adriel does not want to snap but he did. She blinked chuckling at that. She had to deal with a lot worse.

"Oh please! If you really want to get out, you would have done that by now" She rolled her eyes, mockingly her arm crossed.

Adriel stare at her.

"What is it you want?"

"Is this the way you should be talking to your ex-fiancee?" She asked taking a seat on the couch, she pour herself a glass of drink offering him some but he refused.

"Don't forget that.." Adriel did not get to finish his words.

"What that I am your brother's wife? Does it matter?" She take a sip her eyes wander to the clock.

"Say Adriel, why don't I help you get the manging director position?" She asked.

"I don't want that" He falt out refused.

Salina thought so too. The way he reacted towards his father.

"You hate you father don't you. Why don't you take it and destroy everything?"

"I won't, it belongs to Aaron. I would not pour water on his hard work" Salina's eyes widen. She stare at him almost making him uncomfortable. What the fuck? She know Aaron suffers from inferiority complex but this man justified that.

"Are not you a great brother? Please take a seat" She stated calmly. He did as she asked.

"It's about work. Henderson exclusively worked for Valentine but I am retiring from the CEO position. So, it won't be exclusive anymore. That's why I wanted to ask if you would let us work side by side. We will take responsibility of every matter and serve the best we could" Adriel sighed his shoulder relaxed.

"Why are you asking me that?" He frowned.

"Well you are the working director of the hospital now" Salina said as bluntly as she could. He  just looked away before sighing.

"Truth is I have no idea about how this business works. So, if you ask me something like that I need to talk to a lawyer and let him talk to you" He said seriously.


"Jeremy McGill, You might have heard his name" Adriel said. Salina froze hearing that name brings back sweet memories. Heard might not even be the right word. She smirked.

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