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Salina was sitting on her bed, her eyes stare at nothing in particular. She rubbed her face before focusing on the laptop. She needs to work and work and work until she forgets everything.

It was already midnight, Salina was still working on her laptop. She needs to keep herself busy or her anxiety will eat her away. She decided that she will work as long as she does not faint from exhaustion. This is the only she could keep her mind busy from unwanted thoughts. She did not noticed when Aaron entered her room. This is not new for him neither for her so she ignored him like usual.

"I need to talk to you" He sighed.

"Talk" She raised her eyebrows before looking at him coldly.

"Father wanted to talk to us tomorrow morning" She glare at him bitterness filled her. She was trying her best for the last week to keep her cool and have enough of seeing his family. She could not not when this is the time of the year. She sighed rubbing her face her eyes wander to the picture behind her before shaking her head.

"I have enough of your family to last me this week" She stare up sharply her eyes blank.

"Tell him I can't, I want to stay alone tomorrow" she stand up ready to walk out. Staying with him in the same room feels suffocating.

"It must be important"

"Off course it is important" she chuckled.

"More important than my mental peace"  He grit his teeth before exhaling out to clam himself talking to her is exhausting and one of his least favorite thing to do. But he needs too, he needs to make sure tomorrow she stays with him. Even if it's for his sake even if in a pretences of his father.

"We are going" He stated or more like ordered her. She turn sharply glaring at him a part of her wanted to scream at him to leave her alone. She does not want to see anyone tomorrow that's why she took off of work she wants to spend her time alone just for tomorrow. Just for one day but he won't let her have that peace.

"Get out" She asked him calmly. He could see her shaking like a leave. He take a deep breath before walking out.  As soon as the door shut he slide down. Sitting in front of her door as a tear rolled down his cheek.

He could hear her breaking things her scream her yelled how much time will take before they can finally recover from this pain and anguish.

Aaron looked down rubbing his face. A part of him, a small part of him wanted to hold her and tell her everything will be alright. But he can't after all this was never his fault.


Austin woke up, way to early then he intended too. He looked beside him there was no one. Where is she? His head ached he blinked his eyes but everything seems hazzy he closed his eyes before reopening.

What happened last night? He could not recall anything. He sit up rubbing his face, his eyes wander around only to fall on Marlyn who was sleeping on the couch.

That's when he remember a part where he asked her to..  guilt crunch his stomach. Even though he could not remember everything he knows she was not at fault but he still hurt her. He rubbed his face before looking at her again. His eyes fall on her bruised hand. He looked away clutching his hand.

But what is she doing on the couch? He looked around and put on his pants before walking up to her. She was curled up her face looks awfully cold and there were dried trail of tears. What the hell did he do?

He cupped her and walk to the bed. Putting her down slowly before covering her to keep her warm. He bend down pressing a kiss on her forehead.

As if to tell her, I am sorry if he only noticed the trail of tear down her cheek.

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