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"Give us a chance"

Salina stare at him. She can't believe what she heard. Or she would rather not believe what she heard.

"Give us a chance?" Those words escaped before she could stop herself. Salina swallowed. Aaron did not react at her question as she stayed silent for a while waiting for a 'I am joking' or anything along that line but he was staring at her quietly. That just proved her that she is loosing her mind nothing else. Salina did what anyone would not do in this type of situation. She bust out laughing. She clutch her stomach shaking her head as she laughed and laughed still tears streaming down her face and she choked. She shake her head rubbing her face as she kneel down. Aaron narrowed his eyes.

"You are over reacting" His cold calculative voice snapped her out of her stupor as she glare at him with her most wet eyes.

"Over reacting?" She stand up breathing harder.

"How dare you say that to me?" Her face painfully distorted. Tears she tried to hold back desperately making it's way down her cheen again.

"I have had enough of you. Enough of your bullshit. Do you hear me?" She screamed at him. Aaron sighed shaking his head as if her words does not matter. Or the fact that she is have a mental break down. He is cold and unmoving.

"I would prefer.." He snapped glare at her warning her to finish those words.

"You should not throw out statements you won't make a stand on. Now should you?" She swallowed hard at his cold and calculative voice. Her chest heaved as she stare at him wiping her eyes. Her jaw clenched. There was not any thing she could say except asking the most irrelevant question. She wanted to hear what he has to say.

"What the fuck does that mean by giving us a chance?" She asked taking a deep breath to clam down and think rationally.

"Exactly what I mean" Aaron said coolly his face set cold there was a soft impression of smile on on his lips. Her inside burn.

"Are you playing with me?" She asked glaring at him.

Aaron could not hold back his smile. She wanted to slap him, slap that smile off of his face. How dare he mock her when she is? Salin blinked her eyes gulping down thickly whatever emotions she was feeling.

"Who know?" His voice mocking. Her eyebrows dipped as she stare at him again painfully becoming aware what she is. She always does but now.

Now this feels more awful him asking for a chance and yet there is no remorse nothing. He is making light of all her suffering. As if she will let him.

"I won't forgive you ever. So, you listen to me carefully. You could shove that chance up where sun does not shine" Her grit her teeth only to get pulled. His smiled dropped as he glare at her. She feel satisfied. He hand shot out as he grabbed her pulling her closer her. She stumble on him almost at the abruptness.

"I don't think I did anything that I need to be forgiven about" She struggled pulling herself away only to froze hearing his words.

"Don't forget you are the one who started this mess?" Aaron spat those words letting her go, she stumble back her face burn from anger as she glare at him feeling bitter at his words. What hell does he take her for?

"You cheated on me Salina. You are the one you fucked this up? So don't start the pity party" He said those words icy his emotional outburst subsided. She shake standing infront of him her body tremble from anger coupled with hurt and hatred she wanted to burn him in the same agony she is burning. She grabbed his lapel shaking him.

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