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Hello! this is AkiraAki

This is a sequel of Her replacement though it is a stand alone book but I will recommend you to read her replacement before reading this. But if you want to check this out as stand alone than you can definitely go ahead.

You will get to see Cassandra, Coltrane, Jeremy and Coltrane. Not in the plot line but as a side characters.

This story will is based on a concept of betrayal, mystery, deception, anger, hate, madness, possession, and love in the tint of darkness. If you are here for a story colored in rose than this story is not for you.

Those who love Austin might start hating him or those who hate Austin might start loving him.

A man who is kind and thinks about everyone is this all their to know? A man who never talks about his past and a girl who might be involved in his past. What will happen now?

"If you try to keep me sane you will go mad, love" He whispered.

Those who are waiting for Aaron and Salina the duo who make Jeremy and Catherine happened then welcome.

Aaron who is stuck behind his father's shadow and Salina who is famous for being cold how will they get pass through years of hatred and distrust.

"I hate you"

"I hate you"

"I hate you to the point I don't know.."

"I don't know what to do...." Salina chuckled as tears fall from her eyes.

Reader's discretion advised.

All copyright reserve to me©©©..

Please dont take part in any criminal activity.

If you are ready for a roller coaster ride of emotions than go ahead.


At glance

Austin stand their his mouth lifted upwards. His father, Mr. Antonio Valentine stare at him with his wife who could pass off as his daughter and a kid.

Marlyn was tense as she look around her eyes fall on Aaron who was as tensed as she is with Salina who have a look of boredom in her face.

Austin walked up to his father who was in the wheel chair. Than looked at the woman was standing in right beside him. He step forward almost invading her space. His hand went to her cheen as he lift her cheen up.

"You are beautiful" the woman blushed he leaned forward.

"What are you doing?" Antonio yelled.

"I trying to seduced your fucking wife in front of you. Why? " He asked chuckling.

Salina whistled, "that's entertaining" she whispered in Aaron's ear.

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