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Clarissa stare at the poor girl sleeping. She has bruises on her hand and there was an ugly mark in her neck which was turning red. She feel chills looking at the girl. After thinking about it she stood up and walked to the bathroom. There must be a first aid kit. After finding it.

Clarissa appiled antiseptic medicine on her wound. Marlyn stir in her sleep unknown to Clarissa she woke up but pretending to sleep. So this woman leaves her alone.

Clarissa checked her temperature, it slightly higher then normal must be due to the infection. Clarissa rubbed her head softly. She needs to talk to Adriel. How dare he treat her like this?


Jeremy stand their between them. The silences was almost nerve wrecking. He can feel it, something is wrong. Coltrane and Austin standing here beside each other without throwing any words at each other and arguing. His eyes wander around the hall to see Marlyn missing.

"Where is Marlyn?" Jeremy asked, that's the only thing he could think off.

"In her room" Austin answered though he was visibly stiffened for a while. Coltrane and Jeremy both noticed that though it was only for a second.

"Should not she be here?" Jeremy asked for a moment he feel like he was walking on a thin ice.

"No" Austin said coolly. Coltrane itched to say something but he could hear Cassandra's warning not to cause any trouble. As if he is troublesome. He rolled his eyes. Jeremy sighed this conversation is not going anywhere.

"So, Do you have any idea about the purpose of this party?" Jeremy asked though he knows the reason but used it as a topic for conversation. Something so that he could break the silence.

"How should I know?" Austin shrugged his shoulder. He sighed that's it he will keep quiet now, enough trying to be the social butterfly.

"Is not it for you?" Coltrane asked narrowing his eyes at Cassandra who was busy chatting with some ladies making sure she is out of ear shot.

"Why should this be for me?" Austin asked, trying not to snap. Though he have an idea.

"Oh! You very well know why! Do you want me to split it out?" Coltrane asked. Austin turn towards him glaring at him, He glare right back. Jeremy sighed.

"Go ahead" Austin said calmly. Coltrane sighed before opening his mouth.

"Adriel Alvis Valentine. Antonio Valentine wants to introduce him today as the heir of the Valentine house hold. He will be in the board of directors. From today onwards" He said though half of the information he heard from rumors. Austin froze, no. His jaw clenched. He will never let that bastard do that. He will never be a part of this household. Never. At first he thought this was about him joining Valentine household.

"How do you know?" He exhaled.

"It was just going around as rumors" Coltrane said. Jeremy who was just listening to their conversation nod his head.

"Every rumors are a distorted version of truth" Jeremy pointed out. This is weird the person who should know about this have no idea. How? And Why? What's the point then?

Jeremy paused for a beat before the exact words he know Austin would not like.

"I am trying to find about Meera" Jeremy said. Austin turn to him glaring sharply.

"How do you know about this?" Austin asked.

"If you are thinking it's Cassandra then you are wrong" Coltrane said coldly.

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