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It took Salina while to gather her thoughts wiping her tears. When did she ever relay on someone else to save her and she won't start now. Begging never helped. Not when you are dealing with monster.

She feel calm more precisely empty. She again walked upto the front door. The guards looked at her nervously. A while ago Mr.Valentine make it clear that they won't let her out.

She walked straight out of the door when the guards stepped forward looking at her again.

"Let me go" She order them calmly but they did not move not even an inch.

"Please Madam" one of the guard said.

"Step aside" She said coldly gritting her teeth.

"Please Madam we will loose our job" Another guard said when she tried to walk past them again.

"Loose you job? And I should care Why?" She mocked them here she is loosing her mind. What about that?

"The moment you touch me I will call the police for harassment" She looked at them coldly smirking.

"Try me" They flinched satisfied with her work she stepped forward only for a female guard to grab her pulling her in. Letting her go.

"Please Madam stay inside or we will be forced to use force" the female guard said.

"How dare you?" She glare at the woman who looked away but this is the job she signed up for.

"Please madam" Salina sighed hearing the same word again and again. She wanted to scream and yell at them. Can't they see what the fucking hell is going on in this house? But at the end of the day they will turn blind eyes. That's how this household works. After all this is how they are trained.

"Call Aaron" She said feeling bile rising up. She needs to get out of this house at any cost but not before they pay for turning blind eyes. She glare at them with hatred.

"Ask him" She said smirking coldly.

"Ask him if I throw a vase at your head how much he will pay you for the injury?" Salina asked making them shuffle in there place looking at her nervously.

"Please." One of the guard said they don't know what to do. Mr.Valentine strictly said avoid touching as much as possible or physically harm her.

"After all you will be putting your life on line for this job" Salina said mockingly.

"Go ahead" her jaw clenched. They will know not to mess with Salina Henderson.

"Salina?" Salina paused for beat before looking at the woman who was standing infront of the door. For a brief moment she forget what she was doing as she stare at her. Marlyn looked exhausted not any better than her. There is a horrible bruise on her neck which she was not even trying to hide.

"Let her in" She order the guards who paused but did as she asked grateful for the new arrival.

"Why are you here Marlyn?" Salina asked as walked to the hall. Marlyn gasped as she looked at the trashed place.

"I am here because I want to know more about Valentine family" Marlyn said determined. Salina froze turning towards her not know if she is in her right mind or not. Is she mocking her? Is this one of Aaron's disgusting manipulation?

"Stop it" Salina said out loud before again walking away. She needs to stop herself. Aaron hates Marlyn for some reason there is no way he would ask her to humiliate her. Then, Why does she actually want to know about this cursed dyfunctional family?

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