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An image of his own mother hanging flash through his head. He could not concentrate on the face, but she was not wearing any shoes. For a moment just for a moment he wanted to turn and rush out. He blinked his eyes before clutching his head. His eyes filled up, Austin rapidly blinked his eyes. Something hurt inside him.

He needs to do something, anything. He ran out trying to find his father. He will bring his mother back. He always does.

Please, he would beg if that's all he needs to do. He will be on his knees if only he could save his mother.

Stop thinking.

Stop thinking, Adriel. He yelled at himself for the first time he felt like a 8 year old running to find solance.

Please Please please. Save her. Please. He was shaking. The moment he reached his father's door. He pushed it open. That was it. His inside froze, his hand tremble. The woman he loved was on bed with his father while his mother is dying.

Is this a joke? He stare at them.

Before bursting out laughing, he laughed and laughed till tears started fall down his cheen. His father get dressed looking annoyed.

"Congratulations" He stopped before looking at them dead in the eyes making them flinch.

"She killed herself at last"

Nothing prepared him that day and till this day he was picking off what left of his sanity.

"After seeing her there I ran, a part of me thought those maid who never helped us will help only if one time. I .. I believed in them for once. And I ran to find my father. He could have saved her but I was naive.I was too naive"

"I..I I went to find father who was with... Priscilla at that time when my mother was dying on the same bed fucking each other" Marlyn gasped she did not want to listen this anymore.

"It took a while for me to regain my composure when I did I rushed back.." He chuckled.

" mother was till there at the same position as if waiting for me. They just stand their and watched. They did nothing...I..I was... " he looked down chuckling.

He was what? heart broken? suffocated? Can't he except some humanity from the people he lived his whole life with? He never asked for their help but why? Why did not they..? No that day he understand this was his own fault.

"After a while father rushed in. And do you know what was his first words?" His jaw clenched hatred. That's the only thing he felt at that time and till now.

"How could she do this?"

"How dare he?" Austin breathed harder punching the handle of the couch. Marlyn flinched.

"How could he ask something like.. like it was not his fault?" He yelled punching the center table near him.

"H..ow could he..? A..after everything we went through Why? why? damn it. Why?" He feel himself shaking. Something in him broke again.

She hugged him, "please" was the only word escape her mouth. But she did not brought any comfort to him. He felt cold.

"That was it that all it took for me to snap. I snapped let it happen. I beat him up to bloody pulp. I..I" He chuckled, hugging her back freezing her.

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