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"Care to tell?" Coltrane asked calmly trying to control his anger.

"Why were you out without a driver?" He glare at Cassandra who was looking at the house.

"Cass I asked you something" He snapped.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed?" She snapped back. Coltrane take a deep breath trying to clam down, 'think about something else' he give him a pep talk than he noticed something

"Why did I drop her at the Valentine house?" He asked her, 'way to go Coltrane' he rolled his eyes. Cassandra who was still staring outside looked up to the man who was as clueless as anyone could get.

"Austin is Antonio Valentine's son"

"What the hell?" Coltrane asked blinked. He heard something wrong right? He turn to look at the entrance before shaking his head.

"Language Flynn and Austin is Antonio's son" Cassandra glare at him. Coltrane stare at Cassandra waiting for something or anything but she did not add.

"Is this a joke or something?" He asked. It's not like he knows she would not joke about this but those words where out before he could stop himself.

"Why would I?" Cassandra glare at him. He sighed rubbing his face.

Valentine family is a famous and rich family for generations. But the more rich a family is the more dark secrets they kept hidden. But this is about Valentine's family he could not let Cassandra involve in this.

"Stay away from them Cass" Coltrane said and there were no room for arguments.

Cassandra blinked her eyes. He focused on the road.

"Why?" Is she pushing his button? Yes she is.

"There is no reason just stay away from them"

"You know you can't control me" She snapped looking outside.

"Cassandra" she glare at him.

"You know something don't you?" She was sure he knows. Coltrane never tried to tell her what to do?

"Tell me" she asked.

"No" He snapped back.


"Cassandra" He gritt his teeth, why does she need to argue about everything he decides.

"Please Flynn, I won't let this matter go. Austin is my family and I love him very much" A tear trailed down her cheek.

"Okay, Stop crying" He groaned, he hate the fact that she loves Austin but he hate it more when he saw tears in her eyes. She wiped her eyes.

"There are many rumors around the Valentine family" Coltrane grit his teeth trailing off for a bit. He did not want to say all this, not to his already distressed pregnant wife. Not after everything she went though. He knows how dangerous Valentine household could be. But she won't let it go. Why does she always needs to be stubborn?

"Valentine family is one of the richest family in the continent, Cass. Rich families are full with dark dirty secrets. They want to hide. Sometimes those secrets are more dangerous than anything" He focus on the road.

"Just like me, Right?" Cassandra asked looking away. Coltrane stare at road for a while trying to come up with something to say.

"Yes" Coltrane could not deny that denying your past means denying your own identity. Cassandra nod her head even through he could not see that.

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