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This is for all those readers who waited.

Sorry for the late update.



6 months later..

Her college started, she is studying hotel management. She wants to open her own restaurant in the future. The college days are quite normal just like her school days. Nothing out of ordinary which is fine by her.

She did make new friends but her social life is non-existence. This is the only thing Austin and she have similarity. It's not like she have any problem with that. No the truth is she like it more like this way.

Now that her thoughts wandered to Austin, she feel a bittersweet sting.

After that day Austin was back to normal. He never once mentioned about what happened neither did she. He even take her out on her birth day. But she asked him about his birthday which he just shake shake his head.

Don't bother with my birthday.

When she was being persistence about it he snapped at her.

Don't get involve in my life Marlyn I am drawing the line.

Her birthday celebration came to an end. This was not the first time he cut her out everytime she wanted to know about him.

She can't take it anymore as a tear rolled down her cheek. Marlyn slowly wiped her tear which escaped her eyes.

He stopped avoiding her deliberately which is a good thing right then Why does her heart breaking little by little? Why can't she just let it go?

Is it because he said he was sorry?

Or the fact that he said, he does not want to hurt her?

Which is it? But whatever it is? She does not know how much longer she can hold on to that. Why would he say he does not want to hurt her?

He have never hurt her not once. He is always kind and gentle with her sometimes a bit angry or cold but it usually happens due to her.

How many days will she stay in this pulling and pushing?

No it's not pulling or pushing he just avoids her emotions or when she tries to do something for him. That hurts her more than she let on.

But something did changed in this six months. Austin takes her out once in a while. Marlyn smiled a bit only to feel her heavy heart. Now she can see that he is not only kind to her but everyone around them.

Why are you like this Austin? Why?

She rubbed her face trying to calm down.


When will those Why will be answered? She asked herself.

"Don't lose yourself in the process"

Those words ring through her head, is she loosing herself? Is this how it feels?

The door opened, she froze gulping down painfully. She forced herself to smiled.

"Welcome back, Austin" She tried to be as cheerful as she could.

"You are still awake?" Austin yawned.

"Yes, I was.. waiting for you" She said. Does she have any right to wait for him?

"Don't wait for me." He said before walking inside his room.

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