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Here it is another chapter..

The next update will be after 6th August. I have exams.



"I don't know while trying to keep people sane when did I start loosing my own sanity" Austin said coldly. Marlyn hugged him tightly.

"I don't know how much I can hold onto this, Mar"

"Austin, Please don't say this" Her grip tighten around him. She was loosing him.

"You need to let me go," Austin sighed.

"I never wanted you to be a part of this"

"I should have stop myself, "

"I am sorry for what I did last night but you can't stay with me"

"Why are you saying this Austin?" She choked.

"I want to stay with you" Marlyn hugged him tightly.

"You don't get it," He softly pushed  her away, his finger wiped her tears as he looked at her with his emotionless dark eyes.

"For your sake you need to let go. Do you hear me?" He asked her coldly cupping her cheeks when she shake her head.

"No, I won't leave you when you are like this" Marlyn said.

Austin shake his head before pressing a kiss on her forehead, "I am sorry"

He stood up leaving her frozen on the floor. She touch her forehead only to hear the front door opening and closing.

"Austin" tears stung her eyes, she rubbd her face.

What happened?

Why are you behaving like this?

'This is bad' She choked last night was magical but now? She can feel the gaping whole between her and Austin.

'What do you mean my sake?' She wanted to ask but he was not there anymore. She can still feel his warmth.

She went to her room taking a warm shower and changed her dress.

Marlyn stare at the mirror her eyes landed on the bite mark. She softly ran her finger over it.

Bell ring...

Marlyn blinked her eyes her heart drop to her stomach is Jeremy here. But to her surprise there was a group of movers and packers. She froze.

"How can help you?" She asked them.

"Is this Mr. Austin McGregor house?" The man asked her. She stare at them for a while.

"Yes.." before she could say anything they pushed her aside and entered the house.

"Excuse me" Marlyn said only to get silence in return.

"I am asking you something.." she said but they went straight to her room and then his.

"What is happening?" She asked again.

"Stay out of our way" the man said sharply freezing her.

"But..." he walked towards her.

"I am ordered that if you try to stop me I could do anything.." Marlyn blinked her eyes, she felt a shiver, she gulped down.

"What?" She aske staking a step back in fear.

"Who...?" She blinked as he stepped closer.

"None of your business bitch" The man spat those words, as he stepped closer.

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