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Author's POV.

Aaron sit on the car glaring out side. Salina slowly entered the car. She was silent as the car started they did not exchange any words. It's not like they do anyway. It's normal for them to keep quiet or just avoid each other. But after what happened a few moments ago Salina was itching to say something anything. She never saw him like this.

What the fuck? Is she worried about him? Him? Of all people no way. She hated him and just want to make him a bit more miserable than he already is.

"You are quite pitiful" Salina said chuckling at him. It was fun as long as the drama does not involve her she will have fun.

He sharply glare at her through the mirror.

"What?" Salina raised her eyebrows. She smirked, why is she even doing this? She did not know. She can just keep quiet and let it be. But an urge to bite him where it hurts the most threatening her.

"Using your own inferiority complex to hurt other's just to make yourself feel better"Aaron stopped the car.

Bulls eye. She smirked this is getting entertaining.

"Are you having fun with this?" Aaron glare at her.

"You are fucking bloody hypocrite are not you? Did you forget what you did or should I remind you?" Salina knows she is pushing his button, but he is the one who started this game of who can hurt whom more.

"Get out" Salina turn to him sharply, she should be used to the fact that she will hear this. He have no problem in throwing her out.

She glare right back at him.

"You will drop me home or Do you want this on tomorrow news?I bet your father will love more drama" Aaron glare right back at her.

"Are you threatening me?" He asked her gritting his teeth.

"It's a warning darling" He pressed the accelerator.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut then" She chuckled this is so much fun to annoy him to the point of no return to the point where he should think divorcing her is better. But has she ever succeeded , no never not for the last 7 years she is trying. She rubbed her face this time keeping her mouth shut for her own sake.


Austin stare at the woman, he once loved, his first love. The same woman who betrayed him with his father but what hurt him most and shattered his trust was the fact that she shared information.

Information he trusted her with. Information that would have changed his life. He would not be this broken. He would not have been able to lead a normal life. He would not have lost everything. He would have forgiven her betray if only she..

If only she would have kept quiet. He would have saved himself from this misery.

Bitterness filled in a way he could not comprehend. But more than bitterness he is hurt. Burning in your own agony is worse than burning someone else in this.

He always told himself happiness come from within you but what would you do if you could not find it even after searching it with a torch?

She had broken his heart into million pieces. He has spend years trying to pick up his heart and mend it. Even the cracks she left behind is still there bleeding sometimes.

"We need to talk A..." Priscilla said but he did not let her finish her words.

"Austin, I go by Austin" He said keeping his voice as netural as he could. He does not know what to do with this overwhelming emotions he is feeling right now.

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