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Hello dear reader,

This is a small author note for readers who are reading "Unconditionally Yours" after "Her replacement".. Those who are reading it as a stand alone please skip this part as there will be a spoiler for "Her replacement"

I am going to tell you the timeline in which this story is going on. Now after the six month skip it's around the time when Cassandra leave Coltrane. Jeremy and Catherine have their baby.



Austin staring at the door for a while.

"I hate you because of you my mother suffered more than she should have been" She said looked down.

He closed his eyes, what she said was true. It was his fault.


Thats the only thing he could say to that headt broken girl but will that bring back her mother. He looked down nothing can bring back just a sorry. It's just a useless word people use to make themselves feel better without thinking about the other party. Will a simple sorry do anything?


"You would have known, how I feel if your mother would have gone through the samething"

Those words bring out nothing but bitterness.

'Would I actually feel that though?' He wanted to ask her, yelled at her and shake her until she could give him an answer. An answer he was trying to find for the last five years. The only thing he feels was this constant numbness and he was so used to it. But now a twinge of emotions pinching him something he had no idea he was capable of feeling.

5 years

Is not it enough to forget everything and move on? Than why her words bring him back to the same cross road. Why does he again feeling this disappointment? Why does he feel like he failed again?

She is hurt but is it alright to hurt someone else just because you are hurt? Is he hurt? Is this what hurt feels like? He thought he is not capable of getting hurt. Did he overestimated his capacity of not feeling anything?

He gritt his teeth punching the door a numbness spread through his hand "Shut up"

"Don't bother"

Why? Why did he used that words? He wanted to tell her that's it alright. But those words he could not find anywhere in him to say out loud. Is it actually alright though?

He feel numbness spreading like a wildfire, something sharp pierced him, pain which is not physically possible spread through him and he crouch down, on the floor. Closing his eyes he take a deep breath. Before standing up shrugging it off.

He can't leave her alone in this condition. No one should be left alone. He walked in to see Malrym curled up into a ball. His heart ached slow he went to her pulling her up. She was sleeping her face pale.

He put her down in the bed and went out closing the door.

The next day she did not come out of her room. Austin had to go to the hospital when he returned, he saw the food was still at the same place. She did not even come out of her room. He rubbed his head wandering how he should ask her to come out. Even if she is sad, she should not take it out on her health.

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