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Salina rushed inside her room slamming the door shut. She trembled, her hand went around her in a protective way. She slide against the door with a pale face staring ahead it was not long before her nerves settled down.

He threatened her.

"You said you won't give us a chance, right?" He asked softly his voice is blank. She hold back her shiver.

"Yes" She finger dug into her palm. He clicked his tongue mockingly.

"You do know I can make you accept it. Right?" He asked his voice cold yet soft.

"Just because I am being kind and giving you a choice does mean you have a choice" He said letting her go and walking infront of her. She stand there frozen.

"Don't make me Salina" He stand in front of her with a smirk.

"I will make you say yes and it will be a painful journey and you will have no choice but to accept it" She shivered before glaring at him.

"You have today so make you choice carefully"

As if she have any choice, He already make that choice for her. She chuckled rubbing her face.Will he make a stand on it? She smiled bitterly. Why is she even asking that stupid question?

He will.

A cold shiver run down her spine. And she told him to do his worst. Should she have given up and let it be?

'Hah' She sighed. Off course she could take the easy way out and let him or let them have this messed up chance. But what will happen after that? Does she needs to act as a wife? That very thought disgust her on another level.

Wife? There is a chance that he was trying to play with her for the sake of fun. A possiblity that seems more realistic rather then the first one. If she wants to play this game she needs a leverage above him while he has her son. She won't give up.

After all the worst case senario is the only senario left. What more could he do? Little did she knew what she was getting herself into.

Where should she start from? She rubbed her face for starter she needs to get out of this house before anything. But how? She sighed.

Knock knock..

Salina is not in any mood to deal with these so called maids.

"Ma'am there is someone here to meet you" She frowned standing up.

What? Who could t be? She sighed rather than thinking about it. She needs to find out herself. Salina open the door. The maid jumped faliing back.She walked out going straight down the staircase. A woman in her mid twienties seating on the couch. The moment she saw her, she stand up bowing a bit.

"Good morning, Mrs.Valentine, My name is Erin Williams" Salina smirked she already dislike her whoever she is.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked getting straight to the point. Erin was a bit take back by her straight forwardness.

"I am your new secretary. I brought all the files that needs your immidiate attention" Salina stare at her even more unnerving her. Salina jaw clenched.

'How dare he take this kind of decision?' She glare at her.

"My new secretary? you say. But the last time I check I never fired Chris. So who told you that you could be my secretary?" Salina asked. Her mood which was bitter a while ago turned sour now.

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