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Salina was staring at the door while sitting on the chair. She rubbed her face looking at the bottle of wine she took from the cellar. She looked away from the red liquor chuckling. She let it fall hearing it shatter. Her chuckled turn into a full blown laugh at the sound. Her hand went to her eyes she close her eyes feeling a tear slide down from the side. She was feeling exhausted mentally.

"Are you having fun?" She asked the guard standing there who had the audacity to look down. Her jaw clenched.

"Get out" She said coldly.

"I won't be going anywhere so fuck off" She snapped standing up. Her leg wobbled she grabbed the nearest table cutting her hand.

"Madam" She sharply glare at the man who flinched before doing as she asked. Salina walked to the cellar again grabbing another bottle of wine she again take a seat not bothered by the fact that her hand and legs are bleeding which stopped on it's own. At least this way she still feels pain. She laughed at her own humor as she again take a sip from the bottle nothing seems to numb her thoughts. She sighed stare at the door.

Her eyes slowly dropped as the wine bottle slipped from her hand shattering but she was way to exhausted to feeling anything slowly she was lulled to sleep.

It was almost mid night when Aaron walked in. He stare at the mess she created, shaking his head. He walked straight to his room.

The crunching sound of his boot woke her up. Salina sit up straight blinking her eyes her head was pounding like she was being hammered. She took a deep breath it took a while for her to understand what was going on or more precisely what she was doing. Her body ached, due to her awkward position her neck was going on a pain trip on it's own. She chuckled at her own thought which increase her headache. She closed her eyes for another minute or two before opening them only to see Aaron walking down the stairs. Salina looked away for a while she don't have the strength to argue now but she could glare at him. Right? That exactly what she did.

"Don't start with me now Salina" His cold dismissive tone angered her to no extend as he started walking right past her when she stand up, grabbing his hand digging her nail. He did not even winched neither did she when she feel a light pain. He just glare at her.

"Tell those damn guards to let me out" Aaron raised his eyebrow before his lips split into a smile. It was as if he was mocking her.

"Listen up, Salina when I say not to bother me I mean it. Don't and it's a warning" He said brushing her hand off. The last think he wants now is to argue with her. He is annoyed, angry and frustrated this the worst time to mess with him when he is in a mood to blow off some stream? She should take the hint and let him go. Before he hurts her.

"Don't your hear what I asked.  Let me go" She spat those words only to get another unnerving look from him. He rubbed his head praying to whoever listening to him to give him patience to deal with this woman.

"I already give you a choice. Choose and you will be free. Stop bothering me with the same thing" She glare at him, he is acting as if he has no hand in it. Like she was the one making the mess not him.

"I won't be doing anything like that it's my choice and my life. You will fuck off" He sighed, grabbing her hand removing it from her clutch. He pulled her closer.

"Don't bother me, Salina. I am not in the mood for that" He said glaring at her, gripping her hand before letting her go.

"What? Did your boss order you around? How does it feel when someone else is sitting on top of you?" She asked him mocking. He sharply glare at her gritting his teeth. She chuckled before laughing on his face.

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