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If a  story is not heart breaking than it won't stay in your heart.




1 week later..

Marlyn come back from her work. Austin was sitting on the cough again after quite some time.

"I need to ask you something" she said.

"Yes?" Austin looked up from his paper.

Marlyn looked down not knowing how to say this.

"We.. we are graduating, soon. There will be annual farewell prom" she said.

Austin stare at her confused, wandering why is she telling him?

"I don't want to go" Marlyn looked away.

"Can you talk to my homeroom teacher?" She asked him.

"Is it compulsory to go?" Austin asked.

"Yes it is" Marlyn nod her head, "Credit points will be added from this."

"Please I don't want to go. Please can you talk to him?" She pleased.

"Why?" Austin asked, she blinked her eyes.

"I don't want to go" she closed her eyes.

"Did no one asked you?" Austin asked confused at her behavior. She turn to him narrowing her eyes.

"No" Marlyn shake her head.

"I just don't want to go" she again repeated her words.

"Is it about enjoying your life? Mar" Austin asked. She froze tears filling her eyes.

"I .. I.. " she sighed closing her eyes.

"Making yourself happy is not a crime" he whispered.

"This is the only opportunity you will have to attend a school prom, Mar. Go ahead and enjoy it all right. Make yourself happy" Austin smiled at her softly.

"I don't feel like I should go" Marlyn looked away.

"Let me tell you from my personal experience,  Don't let this emotions from enjoying your life. Once this days are gone, it never come back, the only think that we will be left with is regret. Nothing else" Austin have a faraway looked.

"Did you ever went to the prom?" She asked clearing her throat. Austin shake his head.

"No, I did not. I don't have time for that" He said a dark shadow fall on his face. She stare at him. He blink his eyes.

"Will you? Will you come with me? Then" Marlyn asked a bit shy.

Austin chuckled, "I can't sweetheart. School policies"


She looked down at her silly question trying not to blush hearing him call her sweetheart.

But hearing him chuckle was worth it.

"Why did not you attend?" She asked her heart beat rising. She feel like she stepped into an unknown territory. His face darkened the trace of smile vanished.

"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it" She said biting her lips.

Austin stayed silent not replying to her words.

"Will you wait up for me that day?" She asked after collecting her thoughts.

"I am sorry, I can't" Marlyn flinched at his sharp voice.

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