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The picture is a sneaky peak of what I have been up too..😆😆



Cassandra opened the door for Austin who was holding sleeping Marlyn in his arms. He walk in looking at Cassandra.

"Follow me" She whispered and he did. They went to a room, he slowly put her on the bed. Cassandra watched with a smile as he removed her shoes before securely covering her with the blanket. He turned to her narrowing his eyes.

Austin walked out. Cassandra rushed behind him.

"Austin" She called him as much as he wanted to walk out he slow down knowing very well Cassandra will run if she had too.

She could not hel but smile as he grumble a walk slowly. Why can't he be like that to Marlyn?

She walked straight up to him her arm crossed as she bore a hole in his head.

"What is happening in your life?" Cassandra asked, Austin sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it" He said as if stating a fact.

"I will be going now" Austin said he was about yo walk away but Cassandra grabbed his hand trying to fling him on the couch which was becoming quite difficult. A hand larger then her seize his hand and doing exactly what she was trying to go.

"What the ..?" Austin's eyes widen when Coltrane who just walked in helped him to the couch with a warning not to curse. He did not get to do that Why the hell Asutin would have the privilege? With that thought Coltrane turn towards Cassandra staring at her for a while. She waited for him to say something but he keep quiet.

Coltrane walking inside the house ignoring her completely.

"What did you do?" Austin asked almost sure she did something stupid. Cassandra chuckled.

"N..nothing nothing at all" Cassandra sighed, Austin stayed silent after that.

"So? Would you like to explain?" Cassandra asked narrowing her eyes. Austin sighed.

"Why do you think something happened?" He asked.

"Are you for real?" Cassandra asked glaring at him.

"Then let me tell you Marlyn went to the bar get drunk and kissed a random guy. Is this all seems normal to you?" She asked. He have the audacity to looked away.

"Austin" She sighed sitting beside him grabbing his hand. It took a while but squeeze her hand.

"I.. kissed Priscilla" He said gulping down. Cassandra pulled her hand away turning towards him. He looked down.

"Why?" Austin smiled painfully. She is the only person in this whole world who would ask him why after creating such a blunder.

"Was it on impulse?" Cassandra asked. Austin stayed silent for a brief moment. She let him as long as he could explain.

"It was from guilt" Austin answer leave her confused to another level.


"Yes" He was struggling to say the exact words. Austin sighed chuckling. Is not it better if he just state it as a fact?

"She told me what if I stopped for an explanation that day?" He said with a chuckled rubbing his face. A sadness he could not describe washed over him.

"What if that day when I run behind you crying to let me explain and you said there is nothing to explain?" Priscilla asked.

He stare at her as a tear trailed down her cheek.

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