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"Austin?" Marlyn called him as he get out of the car.

"Hm?" He turn to her.

"Are you alright?" She asked him, he was staring at her blankly.

"Why should not I love?" He asked coolly.

"Why are we here?" She asked staring at the house she felt uncomfortable. It's too big and cold.

"I don't like it here" She said as she stepped out of the car.

"If you have like it I would have felt sad" Austin said mockingly.

Marlyn stare at him, Why does he felt so far away even though he is standing right in front of her?

Austin turn his back to her and throw the keys to the guards.

"Why are we here Austin?" She asked again taking a step back when he turned around.

"I was specially asked or should I say forcefully invited here love" Autsin smiled.

"Come here" He extended his hand for her. She put her hand in his, he pulled her closer.

He stare at her as she looked back. His nose touched her's.

"Tell me that you love me" He demanded softly. Marlyn blinked her eyes, her cheeks where turning a bit red.

"I love you" She whispered only for him to hear. His lips touched her softly before he let her go or pushed her away. Marlyn feel a bit hurt at that when he did not say it back. Was her struggle for the last 3 years for nothing?

Austin walked in the house, when a house maid stumble in front of him. The house maid looked at him horrified.

"I am sorry sir. I am sorry sir" Marlyn was shocked at their odd behavior. This is the same way that man behaved this morning.

"It's alright" She walked in front of Austin trying to help the maid only to feel a sharp pain in her elbow when he grabbed her elbow and pulled her away.

"Don't be kind to them" Austin growled.

"Don't you want your job?" He asked the maid. Who just bowed few times afraid before running out.

"But..but...she was hurt.." Marlyn tried to get out of his hold which only tight. She winched in pain.

"Next time if I see you being kind or friendly to those maids. I will hate you, love. And I hate quite passionately" He said coldly gritting his teeth.

"Austin?" She called him tears sting her eyes.

"Did you forget that I am a maid's daughter?" She said feeling hurt at his words.

"You are my wife and no one's daughter, love" He pulled her even closer.

"I am " She said stubbornly. That's it he dragged her out of the door towards his car.

"Open the door" He order the guard who was standing there, tears falling from her eyes.

"Austin you are hurting me" He stopped.

"Am I now?" He asked. She looked at him with hurtful look.

"What is wrong? Why are you behaving like this?" She asked her eyes flash with pain. He sighed pulling her in a tight hugged.

"Stop crying"

"You are the one who is making me cry" Marlyn choked.

"Hold on to the tears love. It's only started" Austin whispered coolly.
Marlyn wiped her tears which was constantly rolling down her cheeks.

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