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Austin stare at her, his voice closed off.



He would not tell her that not on his life. But she seems too clam. And the fact that he could not remember anything after asking her to give in.

What the fuck is happening?

"Did..?" He gulped down.

"Did you believe that?" He asked. Marlyn looked away.

"I did something horrible in the past, my dear. Something I regret till day" her mother's broken voice as a tear fall from her eyes.

She silently listens her word.

"I can never die peacefully knowing what I did and never tried to do anything to earn forgiveness and I know I will go to hell" Meera's voice choked. Marlyn looked down tears fall from her eyes.

"W... what d..did you do?" She asked above a whisper.

"I can't tell you my child or you will be a part of the guilt but I have a favour to ask. I know I am being a selfish mother, I am sorry. But Can you think of it as a last dying wish?" her mother voice hoarse.

"No please mommy stay, I... I will do anything" She asked chocking, sobs filled the room.

"I am sorry dear but Will you promise me something?"

"Yes" she obediently said as another tear rolled her eyes.

"Can you be with Austin?" she blinked her eyes.

"I don't know"

He sighed, feeling choked. Not once he wanted her to know what was happening? But he ended you hurting her in the process.

Why? Why is he like this? Why can't he protect those who are important to him?

"I wanted to protect you." His voice came out as a whisper. Marlyn choked up freezing at his words.

'Don't you hate me?' The words where at the tip of her tongue then why is he contradicting his words. He is suppose to be angry at her but why does he looks broken?

"I never wanted you too know" He gulped down. Was this how it suppose to be? When will he get his shit together?

When will he understand that no one needs his messed up help when he can't help himself? He is just making her miserable.

Marlyn looked down guilty, her stomach crunched painfully. She never thought he will be this way. She almost wanted him to get angry at her. Why? Why did she participated in there plan? Was she that desperate to know the truth? Her eyes wander to him who was sitting down on the floor staring down.

No, the truth is she desperately wanted to prove them that the Austin they know does not exist. It was all in the past. But how could people forget something that horrifying. She was too naive.

"Austin, you.."

"You did not tell me out of your own violation.."

Here she said it.

"It was your father's plan, you were triggered to tell me the truth" He froze staring at her. Triggered? When? How? He can remember anything that will trigger him to tell her the truth.

"What do you mean by trigger?" He looked at her, his eyes when sad.

Marlyn looked away tears trickled down her cheen.

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